Monday, December 12, 2011

My List Of Articles I Read On December 11, 2011


  1. Obama says he's not trying to redistribute the wealth

  2. Pledge of Allegiance in Spanish Sparks Debate

  3. Voter Fraud for the Complete Idiot

  4. Remember When America Didn’t Want Socialism-

  5. “There They Go Again…”

  6. DNC Anti-Gingrich Ad Backfires!

  7. Allen West on Liberal Media: “We Can’t be Like Them”

  8. Holy Chutzpah- 3 Jewish Heroes of 2011

  9. Is Colin Powell a Republican-

  10. America’s Communist President

  11. Michael Moore Claims Occupy Movement Has 10 Million Leaders

  12. Obama response to rockets fired on Israel called absurd

  13. Barack Holder

  14. Shoe Shopping!

  15. Se-xualizing Dance

  16. Deadly 6.5 earthquake strikes near Acapulco

  17. The Do-Nothing Democratic Senate

  18. How much will it cost to clean up after Occupy movements-

  19. Michelle Obama Secret Affair Rumors Surface

  20. Hamas Joins “Moderate” Muslim Brotherhood

  21. Liz Cheney- Obama Is About to Snatch Defeat from Victory in Iraq (Video)

  22. MSNBC Star Host Al Sharpton Owes IRS $2.6 Million

  23. That Was Quick… Iranian Regime Announces It Will Simulate US RQ-170 Drone

  24. LightSquared disrupts 75% of GPS receivers in gov’t testing

  25. SEC warns LightSquared figure of potential fraud probe

  26. Senator Reid Calls Criticism of Nuclear Chief a 'Witch Hunt'

  27. Will She Stay Or Will She Go…-

  28. Bonehead Of The Day

  29. Video- Occupy Pittsburgh ‘Flash Mob’ Storms Target

  30. Comedian Rosie O‘Donnell Says Newt Gingrich ’Should Read a History Book’

  31. Patriots to Rally Tuesday as Holder Plans Major Announcement on Voting Laws

  32. All The Republican Candidates Have This Plan Or That Plan To Create Jobs; I Want To Talk About Social Issues And God

  33. When CBS Rates Obama At 41 Percent, You Know It Has To Be A Lot Lower

  34. NZ Herald’s Marxist Political Position Made Plain

  35. Lance Wallnau --  Unemployed Angels-

  36. 2011- 2012  To be subtracted from that we might be added to From Deana Barnes

  37. Senator- Internet regulation 'a fundamental disregard of the Constitution' [VIDEO]

  38. So, this is how Democrats protect Social Security-!-

  39. Presidential Primary Fraud Case Heats Up

  40. ...'Devolved to fighting with liberal mayors in liberal cities'

  41. Beck Pulls Race Card Against Tea Party

  42. Could this Russian blogger derail Putin-

  43. Anarchy is a Symptom of Spiritual Void

  44. Some Notes on Dealing with the Jezebel Demon from Apostle Robert Summers

  45. Lance Wallnau --  Unemployed Angels-

  46. 2012 is a year of Governmental Order, Please Do Not Reject Apostolic and Prophetic Ministry by Daryl O'Neil