Obama says he's not trying to redistribute the wealth
Pledge of Allegiance in Spanish Sparks Debate
Voter Fraud for the Complete Idiot
Remember When America Didn’t Want Socialism-
“There They Go Again…”
DNC Anti-Gingrich Ad Backfires!
Allen West on Liberal Media: “We Can’t be Like Them”
Holy Chutzpah- 3 Jewish Heroes of 2011
Is Colin Powell a Republican-
America’s Communist President
Michael Moore Claims Occupy Movement Has 10 Million Leaders
Obama response to rockets fired on Israel called absurd
Barack Holder
Shoe Shopping!
Se-xualizing Dance
Deadly 6.5 earthquake strikes near Acapulco
The Do-Nothing Democratic Senate
How much will it cost to clean up after Occupy movements-
Michelle Obama Secret Affair Rumors Surface
Hamas Joins “Moderate” Muslim Brotherhood
Liz Cheney- Obama Is About to Snatch Defeat from Victory in Iraq (Video)
MSNBC Star Host Al Sharpton Owes IRS $2.6 Million
That Was Quick… Iranian Regime Announces It Will Simulate US RQ-170 Drone
LightSquared disrupts 75% of GPS receivers in gov’t testing
SEC warns LightSquared figure of potential fraud probe
Senator Reid Calls Criticism of Nuclear Chief a 'Witch Hunt'
Will She Stay Or Will She Go…-
Bonehead Of The Day
Video- Occupy Pittsburgh ‘Flash Mob’ Storms Target
Comedian Rosie O‘Donnell Says Newt Gingrich ’Should Read a History Book’
Patriots to Rally Tuesday as Holder Plans Major Announcement on Voting Laws
All The Republican Candidates Have This Plan Or That Plan To Create Jobs; I Want To Talk About Social Issues And God
When CBS Rates Obama At 41 Percent, You Know It Has To Be A Lot Lower
NZ Herald’s Marxist Political Position Made Plain
Lance Wallnau -- Unemployed Angels-
2011- 2012 To be subtracted from that we might be added to From Deana Barnes
Senator- Internet regulation 'a fundamental disregard of the Constitution' [VIDEO]
So, this is how Democrats protect Social Security-!-
Presidential Primary Fraud Case Heats Up
...'Devolved to fighting with liberal mayors in liberal cities'
Beck Pulls Race Card Against Tea Party
Could this Russian blogger derail Putin-
Anarchy is a Symptom of Spiritual Void
Some Notes on Dealing with the Jezebel Demon from Apostle Robert Summers
Lance Wallnau -- Unemployed Angels-
2012 is a year of Governmental Order, Please Do Not Reject Apostolic and Prophetic Ministry by Daryl O'Neil