Has Obama 'let's talk' foreign policy worked-
Taylor Swift ads pulled
Trump registers as independent
Ron Paul forecast 'race war' in ad for newsletter
Waiting for a miracle
Congratulations- Your government spent $592,000 in your tax dollars to study why monkeys throw their feces
Arithmetic Fail- Team Obama Can't Add
Scary- Congress Funding Massive TSA Checkpoint Expansion
Our National Nightmare Ends- Obama Finally Starts His Christmas Hawaiian Vacation
King Obama to ignore 20 policy riders in the 2012 omnibus funding bill
Obama Admin rejects South Carolina voter ID law
2012 GOP Lawmaker Endorsements for President
GOP Rep. Spencer Bachus may face primary challenge
Gingrich questions Ron Paul on racist newsletters
Blackmail Pic Of The Day
Bob’s Family-Christmas-Gathering Talking Points
Retort To The President’s Latest Video For The Children
Barack Obama’s Christmas Gift To America – Another BIG FAT LIE
There are criminals–and there are fireproof criminals
“What if freedom’s greatest hour of danger is now-“
‘Obama’s Stealth Betrayal of Israel-
Yeah, it discriminates against Dem voter fraud