Saturday, December 31, 2011

2012: ‘The Year of the Scare’


I like the way Judi McLeod (Canada Free Press) writes. Her writing makes sense to me. Here is one of her articles I like.


2012: ‘The Year of the Scare’


2012 is about to come hurtling into our lives. If the coming New Year could be defined, before even being played out, it would be called ‘The Year of the Scare’.


With a myriad of sources vying to capture the attention of everyday people, it will get very difficult sorting out what is true and what is false.


Stories about government watch lists will join warnings about coming communication blackouts, the death of the worldwide web, the return of the plague, contagious influenza with the power to kill off world populations, bloody revolutions on the street imposed by shady powers behind the well-funded, media darling Occupy Wall Street (OWS) Movement.


By the time a modern day Samuel Pepys happens along to make sense of it all, events will have frightened some people from coming out of their homes.


People are being deliberately kept on the edge. People kept on the edge are not as productive as they would be on an even playing field.


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