Say goodbye to 'WorldNetDaily' on Jan. 1, 2012
Even Before Fast and Furious, They Had Guns on Their Minds
The Madness of Ron Paul
Egyptian women rally against abuse by military
The Times Trashes Truth-Tellers
Panetta says Iran will not be allowed to develop nukes
Palin, Jeb Bush, mulling presidential options-
Pundits, Primaries and Polls
Tea party- only with courage will we defeat the giants
Nut Wants Obama Assassinated, Left-Wingers Falsely Say He’s a Tea Partier
It’s-Because-We’re-Black Of The Day
Nancy Pelosi Has a Rick Perry Moment (video)
Good News- MoveOn.org sends E-Mail suggesting that the activist group could go belly-up without
O.W.S. Activist- ‘Police Rank and File Are Professional Class Traitors’ But We Should Attempt to Use Them Against The 1%
Flashback Of The Day
The feet don’t lie-
Oh, FFS!!
Publishers of fiction distorting history
The joys of Christmas
Why it needs to be anyone but Romney
Venezuelan Born Actress calls Sean Penn “Communist Arsehole”
About Sean Penn
Ann Coulter Favorite Ron Paul Supports Hamas & Says Wikileaks Leaker Bradley Manning
Whoopi Goldberg on Communism- “A Great Concept… That Makes Perfect Sense”
Obama Administration Pushes UN Resolution That Bans Criticism of Islamic Radicalism
Grande Conservative Blogress Diva 2012–Nominations Take Two
In Fresh Water
90 congressmen have 'no confidence' in Holder, or believe he should resign
Rep. Bobby Schilling calls for Holder's resignation
Video- Terrorist villains in new “Rainbow Six” video game are … Occupy Wall St
Iowa Governor- Ignore Ron Paul Victory
Student Sues School District Over Punishment For Expressing His Religious Views Against Homosexuality
After Biden Says Taliban Is Not America’s Enemy, Taliban Lashes Out at U.S. ‘Occupation’ of Iraq
House Democrats try -- but fail -- to chastise Allen West for likening them to Nazis
When the Police Knock on Your Door
Poor Britain- God save us from the crazy religious privileges in jails that cost the taxpayer millions
London- Muslim baby was at risk of 'honor killing'
Muslim Persecution of Christians- November 2011
Enquirer Breaks Story...Blood Bananas Betrayed! Suzuki On Dole!
Jimmy Carter Sends Condolences To North Korea Over Death of Mass Murderer Kim Jong Il, Wishes Son “Every Success” in his reign of terror
UN Security Council Condemns Israel For Building On Its Land…
GOP Congressman- Maybe Mooch shouldn’t hector us about our weight seeing she has an ass the size
Obama Goes Last-Minute Christmas Shopping at PetsMart — for Bo!
Mr. Obama Goes Christmas Shopping
U.S. Army Issues Politically Correct Handbook To Make Soldiers “Culturally Literate” About Islam
Crazed Occupier Attempts To Rush Stage During Gingrich Speech…
Obama Campaign Issues Creepy How-To Video On Best Ways For Obamabots To Brainwash Relatives Into Supporting The Cause
US-Funded Palestinian Authority Youth Magazine Praises Hitler Because He “Was The One Who Killed Jews
The Limbaugh Response to the Defensive WSJ Editorial on the House GOP
Wall Street Journal- The GOP's Payroll Tax Fiasco
Romney Won't Call Obama a Socialist
Eric Cantor Counters the Journal
Why Hasn't Santorum Caught Fire-
Bill Clinton Suggests Obama Media Conspiracy
CNN Compares Obama Fast and Furious Scandal To Watergate
90 Congressmen have 'no confidence' in Eric Holder, say he should resign
Morning Joe panelists slam media love affair with Obama in '08
Atheist group threatens to sue if city fails to put up anti-religion sign
From 1988- An animated Ron Paul defends opposition to drugs laws, Cold War
Video- Ron Paul bails out of interview with CNN after being pressed on racist
Newt Gingrich and Gay Marriage
Putting Newt’s response to a gay Iowan in context
Obama turned away from the economy, stupid
DOUG WILDER- Drop Biden From Ticket
Acting House speaker- 'Mr. Hoyer was in violation of the House rules' [VIDEO]
Buchanan- Paul won't go third party, it would damage son's political future
“Game Change” trailer- Introducing Sarah Palin