This is an intriguing essay/article about Operation Fast And Furious. It will make you think hmmm in a suspicious way about Attorney General Holder, Secretary of State Clinton, President Obama, and Secretary of Homeland Security Napolitano. Basically, it will get you to think what kind of people we have in the Obama administration if you hadn’t thought it by now.
Even Before Fast and Furious, They Had Guns on Their Minds
What Obama administration officials, including the president, knew or didn't know about the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives' 2009 Operation Fast and Furious has little to do with what they should have known.
Attorney General Holder, Secretary Clinton, President Obama, and Secretary Napolitano each declared that he or she did not know about Fast and Furious until 2011. But what should they have known about a federal program that eventually led to mass murder?
In a 1999 web article on leadership, writer and attorney Jonathan Wallace examined the question of when to hold those in power accountable. He begins with a two-part question: "did he know or should he have known?"
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