I know it sounds funny but it is the truth. Dr. Laura Roth’s tone in the article sounded like ‘a Drill Sergeant's lecture to get a point cross’ to me. She made it quite clear we still have a job to do and go get it done.
The article is titled: This President is not a leader but a committed destroyer. This is what some of the article talks about.
Understand how Marxism and ‘change’ from the Obama empire work. The US must be brought down low, her wealth taken and redistributed, then forced to submit on multiple levels to Obama, the UN, national and international Military.
There is nothing naive or inexperienced about Obama in critical areas of importance that would affect his goals. He is most calculated and backed by his handlers, namely, global elitists and Islam. He has surrounded himself with total secrecy, paid millions to hide all his records, from birth, passport, College records…on and on. You name it, it is hidden from view.
How can any real American watching even from the outfield not reel in horror at what is going on day after day at the hands of this President? I beg America, don’t be a frog and boil to death! Be an American, rise up, organize, pray, march in the streets and join the Tea Party. Demand that patriots and constitutionalists get in the House, Senate and White House in 2012. We don’t have time for depression or fear. We are in the battle of our lifetime and the world depends on us winning, and so do our kids.