Saturday, December 24, 2011

I Miss Robert Gibbs As White House Press Secretary


I never thought I would be saying those words  but I am. I could dislike Robert Gibbs and yet consider him kind of loveable.  He talks regular English even when he is spinning a yarn. I know when Gibbs was on the kool-aid, he was still from planet Earth.  He looked like an adult.


Jay Carney on the other hand looks like a high school kid with an important job. Every so often Carney does this jive-talking or code-talking, I am not sure which.  I am looking at him wondering if he from another planet.  Guerilla Dust! Huh? What does that do with the subject at hand? Not to mention, he doesn’t do evasive as good as Gibbs.


There for a while I thought Gibbs was coming off the Kool-aid during the episode about the Liberals needing drug tested. I guess not. In spite of Gibbs faults I prefer him over Carney.