Our Growing Police State
2012- The Mess Gets Messier
Unhappy New Year
Americans identify with GOP positions more than Democrats
Gulf Coast rebound defies Obama's doomsaying
2011 - Not the Best Year for America
Political Suicide
2012- ‘The Year of the Scare’
Running For Cover: Obama/Hillary? Vs. ?/?
Lawsuit filed to put Newt Gingrich on the Primary Ballot in Virginia
It’s All Over But the Voting
Abortion Practitioners Charged With Murder in Two States
Dionne- GOP race may be over already
Iowa's evangelicals moving to Santorum
Alert raised around Alaska volcano
Ron Paul gets the coveted former KKK Grand Wizard and Louisiana Congressman David Duke endorsement
Report- Obama administration considering release of alleged mass murderer in attempt to jump start talks with Taliban
Pelosi 'will leave the Democratic leadership by the end of 2012'
Government Officials Want You to Know that Your Earnings Belong to Them
Judicial Watch’s ‘Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians’ for 2011- House Edition
Boneheads Of The Day
Hamas now decides just how much free speech you’re allowed-
Hamas-Tied Unindicted Co-Conspirator CAIR Launches TOS Attack on Wordpress-Hosted Bare Naked Islam
That’ll teach ‘em not to mess with the NZ Police!
Nothing too trivial, we hope…
Green is another word for immature
Liberal Fanaticism
Kiwiblog’s Mystery Writers
Auckland University Economics Professor Pushes “Rich Poor Gap” Propaganda (in NZ Herald of Course)
How’s That Hopey-Changey Stuff Working Out For You-… Just 55.3% of Americans Between 16 & 29 Have Jobs
Police Union Blames #OccupyDC for Rising Crime Rate (Video)
Steven Crowder Debates the Spoiled Occupiers (Video)
Rush Limbaugh- I Think There’s a Commitment to Romney at the Upper Levels of Republican Party
Rush Limbaugh- The Problem with Detroit is Liberalism. It’s the One Constant in the Last 50 Years
Rush Limbaugh- Obama Has a Chip on His Shoulder – Says America Has Never Worked
Flashback- Ron Paul Goes on Iranian TV, Bashes Israel and Defends Hamas (Video)
The Spirit of Sudan
Kim Clement- Warning to Middle East
Allegations- SC tea party convention organizers called for 'armed guards' for security
Bachmann Holds Fire Against Romney for VP Slot-
Romney, Bain Capital, Bail-Outs and an Un-Aired Kennedy Ad
Romney Won’t Release Tax Returns
SOPA will make the whole internet like WordPress.com
Muslim Brotherhood Organizations In America- Goals, Ideologies And Strategies – Analysis
Muslims Get Early Start On New Year's Celebrations Burn Christian Houses
Maryland- Two Doctors Charged With Murder For Performing Late-Term Abortions…
Planned Parenthood Report- $1.04 Billion Budget, 46% Comes From U.S. Taxpayers…
Oopsie- Brain-Dead Occupier Walks Straight Into a Pole While Screaming Meaningless Slogans During Romney Event
Israel Kills Leader of Al-Qaeda-Linked Army of Islam In Gaza Airstrike…
Holder Suddenly Worried About Illegal Firearms Being Used To Killed Law Enforcement Officers…
Ron Paul Praises Occupy Wall Street, Compares Them To The Tea Party…
Maldives Closes Hundreds of Resort Spas After Muslims Complain of ‘Anti-Islamic’ Activities
Underwater Robot Captures Footage of Unexpected Aquatic Life at Deep Sea Vent
‘Spectacular Display’- NZ Residents Capture 2 Hour Battle Between Killer Whale & Sharks
Powerhouse Websites Consider Internet Blackout
Eric Holder is a funny man
Put up ya dukes- It’s Pelosi versus Pelosi
Politico helpfully provides suggestions for how #OWS can “stay relevant”
Philly Councilwoman to Retire for a Day, Collect Almost Half a Mil Pension, Start B
Letting Down the Tea Party
Newt Gingrich Sheds Tears During Public Forum
Ron Paul- Guess Who’s Behind World Trade Center Bombing-… The Jews
Yes, They Really Do Want To Reduce The Population – 22 Shocking Population Control Quotes From The Global Elite That Will Make You Want …..
...'Pelosi Throws Her Own Daughter Under The Bus'
Obama’s approval rating plummets
Bare Naked Islam is back……sort of
U.K. town sprays pig manure to keep away rowdy (Muslim-) youths
OH NO! How did all those Zionist pencils end up in Saudi Arabia-
So, how many billions in taxpayer dollars has Barack Obama sent to Pakistan this year-
PAKISTANI MUSLIM father sells his pre-pubescent daughter to a 12-year-old groom for 50,000 Rupee
Early Ron Paul Shows That His Newsletters Weren’t Outliers
New Hampshire “Scientists” Urge GOP Contenders To Embrace Climate Change Hoax
Another Obama donor convicted of fraud
Ind. senator seeks to set standards on how national anthem is sang