Tuesday, December 27, 2011

My List Of Articles I Read On December 26, 2011


  1. Herman Cain- A Final Word

  2. A terrible truth written in blood

  3. Obamabots programmed to propagandize their families over the holidays

  4. Iran- Negotiating with the Devil

  5. Jay Carney’s “Nastygrams” Strain White House Press Relations

  6. The Jews, the Communists and the Democratic Party

  7. Huckabee- It All Comes Down To Weather-

  8. Church leaders get political for Christmas

  9. Strange- 80-year-old stone unearthed in Scotland looks like Homer Simpson

  10. Classy- Occupy Nashville Gals Duke It Out On Christmas Day (Video)

  11. Rep. Steve King’s Family Bible & His Fight Against Discrimination, Racism & Reparations

  12. Progressives Attempt To Hijack Story Of Christmas

  13. Trailers Of The Day

  14. Merry Christmas!

  15. The Islam problem..and others

  16. This woman is most definitely  not the equal of a  man

  17. At eighty-five Her Majesty can still hit it out of the park

  18. Revealed- Solyndra Was About Politics and Only Politics

  19. Is the Fix In- Virginia GOP Eliminates 4 of Top 6 Republican Candidates From Republicans

  20. WaPo runs Solyndra story on day after Christmas 

  21. The right's Jeremiah Wright-

  22. From the country that gave and then banned Mein Kamph

  23. Obama Quietly Nominates Dem Sen. Chuck Schumer’s Brother-In-Law To Federal Judgeship…

  24. British Islamist’s Christmas Message- If Jesus Were Alive Today He Would Be Fighting To Liberate Muslim Lands And Implement Sharia Law

  25. Iran Says It’s Ready To Move Ahead With Stoning of Woman Convicted of Adultery…

  26. Fast and Furious Update – Former ATF Director Testimony Released Over Christmas Holiday

  27. Democrats Gets Smacked Down By Simple Facts…

  28. Bill Whittle- Three Years Under Obama’s Disastrous Leadership (Video)

  29. Welcome to Cairostan - Israel Opinion, Ynetnews

  30. Faith is the light of time by Jean-Pierre de Crussade

  31. Fmr staffer- Ron Paul planned 'No' vote for Afghanistan invasion, staff threatened mutiny

  32. Nat'l Journal's Major Garrett- Gridlock could break in 2012 [VIDEO]

  33. Legal Insurrection has the scoop

  34. Video- Three years under Barack Obama

  35. Over 1,000 Christians Targeted & Murdered Worldwide by Islamists in 2011

  36. WHITE HOUSE INSIDER-  Heads Up – The Cook The Books Campaign Is Underway