The song is "Fighting Man" sung by Ian Gillan.
This video was uploaded on You Tube by LisaLaLisa92.
Born: Humphrey DeForest Bogart
December 25, 1899(1899-12-25)
New York City, New York, U.S.
Died: January 14, 1957(1957-01-14) (aged 57)
Los Angeles, California, U.S.
Articles And Websites On Humphrey Bogart:
The Official Humphrey Bogart Website
Bogart-Urban Legends
SPRING FILMS/REVIVALS; How One Role Made Bogart Into an Icon
The Religious Affiliation of Humphrey Bogart
I'm No Communist
Bogart- Behind the Legend (documentary)
Tribute to Humphrey Bogart
New Humphrey Bogart bio a superficial effort