Friday, December 23, 2011

Do You Think Obama Is Challenging God by The Decisions He Made In The Last Few Months?


Obama's policies and behavior toward Israel have raised concern like:

  1. Obama In the open microphone incident with French President Nicolas Sarkozy stating his attitude towards Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

  2. Obama’s statement Israel should go back to its 1967 border.

  3. Obama supports the democratic uprisings in the Muslim Nations knowing full well how the Muslims feel about Israel.

  4. Another incident concern a malfunctioning drone that landed in Iran and Obama’s decision to let Iran have it instead of destroying the drone. Obama knows how Iran feels about Israel. Obama knows Iran could or would use it against Israel.

  5. I can’t forget Obama’s lack of support for Israel.


Better yet let me use the words of Jay Clarke from his article “Obama's Stealth Betrayal of Israel?” on American Thinker.


There are approximately 125,000,000 Evangelical Christians living in the United States today. Bible-believers. And staunch supporters of Israel. They know their Bibles. And the promise that God made to Abram, later called Abraham, father of Israel.


"Go forth from your country, and from your relatives and from your father's house, to the land which I will show you; And I will make you a great nation and I will bless you and make your name great; And so you shall be a blessing; And I will bless those who bless you and the one who curses you I will curse. And in you all the families of the earth will be blessed." (Genesis 12: 1-3 NASB)


Many Christians and Jews believe these words. And believe them to come directly from the heart and mind of God.


If Barack Obama has betrayed Israel, it could mean something much more challenging than a simple election-year political issue.


If the Bible is true, Obama may be taking on someone far greater than Benjamin Netanyahu.


And far less tolerant.


So do you think Obama is challenging God even though he my not understand he is?

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