Wednesday, December 21, 2011

My List Of Articles I Read On December 20, 2011


  1. Am I No Longer Fit to Be a Conservative-

  2. Gingrich and the Fear Factor

  3. Holder draws the race card and busts

  4. Secret talks with Taliban near a critical juncture

  5. A Soldier’s True Spirit of Christmas

  6. Unlimited Muslim Entitlement


  8. Missing Bush

  9. PolitiFact Lie of the Year 2011- 'Republicans voted to end Medicare'

  10. Gallop- Congress ends year on new approval low

  11. Stupidity- Some guy is terrified of Nerf guns or something

  12. Gingrich on Activist Judges- Cuff ‘Em! (video)

  13. What about Jeb-

  14. Fast and Furious Update- Rep. Issa Tells Holder to Expect More Hearings

  15. Tea Party Slander Of The Day

  16. Outrage of the day

  17. NZ National Party- Sleazy opportunists, who stand for nothing

  18. i carn spel but i gots cabl innernet

  19. Just wait 'til you see the cake!

  20. Joy to the world

  21. John Key- Proposed Watermelon Agreement Signifies No End To The Betrayals

  22. Separatist TV Station Funded By Taxpayers Gives 150 Staff $1000 Christmas Bonuses

  23. Good Grief… Crazy Uncle Ron Is “The One” (Video)

  24. Ann Coulter- I Would Prefer Ron Paul Over Newt Gingrich (Video)

  25. Plans for Obama-Sanctioned Taliban Embassy in Qatar Moves Ahead on Schedule

  26. Justice Dept. Insists Holder Wasn’t Playing Race Card When He Played Race Card (Video)

  27. BC Government Report- ‘Smart Meters Will “Reveal Patterns of Household Consumption

  28. Mitt Won’t Call Obama a Socialist (Video)

  29. The Daily Caller Gets Locked and Loaded

  30. Let’s run with Jeb away from the straight line of the statists!

  31. Prophetic Headlines

  32. A Word of Warning for Australia

  33. TheDC- Congressman- Holder's race-card play 'orchestrated' by Obama

  34. Chavez- Obama's turned US into 'a disaster'

  35. New book “Everything Obama Knows About the Economy” is completely blank

  36. Chris Christie- Obama Can Cry Me a River

  37. Why Mitt Romney Won’t Cut It

  38. Gingrich Wins Tea Party Patriots Straw Poll

  39. The Communist Party of Canada is deeply saddened

  40. Tehran holds Obama re-election wild card

  41. A Palestinian girl dreams of Hitler...Oh and the UN helped pay for it

  42. The only reason you'll ever need to love Maria Conchita Alonso

  43. Why We Need More Leaders Like Vaclav Havel

  44. Hilarious- Seattle Hippies Dress Up As “Bag Monsters” For City Council Meeting…

  45. Jihad Work Accident- Two Taliban Suicide Bombers Killed When Their Bombs Detonate Prematurely…

  46. Politifact Names Dems Attacks On Ryan Medicare Proposal “Lie Of The Year”…

  47. Occupy Denver Protesters Torch Encampment As Police Move In To Clear Them Out…

  48. Jesse Jackson To Black Fathers- Forget Teaching Success, Teach Your Children How To Fight…

  49. Don't Doubt Me- Obama's Approval Rating Will Rise and the Jobless Rate Will Drop -- All Designed

  50. Keep Your Spirits Up Despite What's Heading Our Way

  51. 2012- A Referendum on Obama

  52. The Greed of Big Education

  53. Irish ‘John Galt’ Blasts Politicians, Bureaucrats & Crony Capitalists At EU Summit

  54. Chris Christie Spars With Mika & Slams Obama on MSNBC‘s ’Morning Joe’

  55. ‘The 12 Days of Christmas’ (the Obama Version) & Other Presidential Christmas Parodies

  56. Atheists Threaten Legal Action if Anti-God Sign Isn’t Posted Next to Michigan Nativity

  57. It Begins… School District Bans Santa Over Religious Concerns

  58. Worthy Causes to Support this Christmas

  59. Has Obama’s charm ever transformed a hostile dictator-