Friday, August 31, 2012

My Article Read On August 30, 2012


  1. Suddenly Visitations, Shakings and Power

  2. Prayer Alert: Isaac Downgraded but Still Hammering Gulf Coast


  4. FACT CHECK: "Anti-colonial" Obama not plausible

  5. Himalayan pink salt...

  6. Sarah Palin's message to John McCain...

  7. Crapweasel Joshua Scott Albert Advocates for Mitt Romney to be Murdered, and is a fan of Cop Killers

  8. While I will Not Wordpress on...


  10. Catholics To Vote 3 To 1 Against Obama

  11. Now the signs and wonders threaten to unravel the core of this city.

  12. Bobby Jindal Asks Obama Why Hasn’t He Declared A Full Disaster Declaration

  13. John Banks- Has There Ever Been a More Useless Political Prick?

  14. DHS Source: “It’s Going Hot”- Obama False Flag Coming

  15. Condi: Time To Decide 'Where Does America Stand?'

  16. Tea Party To GOP: We Built Your Majority

  17. Paul Ryan will start your Thursday off with a smile...

  18. Rule 5 Wednesday..

  19. Daily Read – August 30

  20. A Funny

  21. Dear Gubmint….GET THE HELL OUT OF THE WAY!!!

  22. Bonehead Of The Day

  23. Quote Of The Day

  24. They walk among us...

  25. Rachel Corrie responsible for own death, not Israel or Israelis

  26. Glittering jewels of colossal ignorance

  27. Heroes: GOP platform calls for repeal of 16th amendment and federal income taxes! Sort of...

  28. Amusing: Democrats Banner-Towing Fail Plane Flies Again

  29. Liberals launch Ann Romney Twitter Hate Fest

  30. The Undead

  31. Australia’s Climate Commissioner…idiot or propagandist?


  33. Is there something John Key isn’t telling Kiwis?

  34. Bobby Conner: God Is Wooing Us

  35. How Culture Transforms Biblical Beliefs and Church Practice

  36. Faded Poster

  37. Texas Voter I.D. law thrown out

  38. Elizabeth Warren Cabbie story gets even weirder

  39. From Cool to …

  40. Hillary Clinton joins slew of Democrats abandoning the DNC ship

  41. Why Aren't Dems Exploiting New Orleans?

  42. Teacher suspended by Catholic school over same-sex marriage

  43. You Are Forgiven

  44. Billboard o' the Month!

  45. Staff Inspector Is An Apt Title Here

  46. Brother, Can You Lindsay A Dime?

  47. Humpday History Highlight

  48. Mayor Nutter: Rapping While Philly Burns

  49. Grass, Gas, Or Ass…

  50. Assclown Jailed After Fleeing Police On Go-Cart

  51. Go Ahead, Make My Day. Clint Eastwood Is Revealed As RNC Mystery Speaker

  52. Stargate Atlantis--"The Siege, Part III"

  53. Harvest Crusades Draws 78,000 to Angel Stadium

  54. David's Tent on White House Ellipse

  55. WHITE HOUSE INSIDER – ” Paul Ryan Is Now A Full Fledged Political Rock Star “

  56. The Tea Party Effect at the Convention

  57. A Clarion Call to True Patriots

  58. Revealed: Super Racist Paul Ryan’s Black College Sweetheart…

  59. Beached Whale Michael Moore Predicts A Romney Victory…

  60. Top Obama Campaign Official Stephanie Cutter: Paul Ryan “Blatantly Lied” During RNC Speech…

  61. Required GG Bat’s Spud Update

  62. The New ‘Civility’