Friday, August 31, 2012

Journalistic Propaganda Machine (8-30-2012)


  1. Yahoo News fires David Chalian...

  2. Cain cancels interview with Chris Matthews over ‘race card’ – encourages other Republican to do the same

  3. Hey @MSNBC! Here Are All The Speeches You Didn’t Cover From Last Night’s #RNC.

  4. Questioning the Media

  5. At NY Times and WaPo, Arab pain trumps Jewish pain

  6. PMSNBC: Old, White Males

  7. MSNBC doesn’t care about black people

  8. MSNBC IGNORES Artur Davis – Maybe It Was Racism?

  9. MSNBC cuts RNC speeches by minorities

  10. Media: Obama Is Still a Draw on Campuses… Even Though His Crowds Are Much Smaller

  11. ABC News Feed: Romney Happy To Have Party While Black People Drown

  12. Juan Williams Spreads Democrats' Racist Narrative

  13. ABC News Airs Less than Two Minutes of Condi's Speech

  14. Its Far Past Time To Ignore MSNBC

  15. MSNBC's newest race code-word

  16. NYT bias bleeds through photos of Ryan at RNC

  17. NBC Doesn’t Care About Black People (nor anyone else not white)

  18. Reportedly, Yahoo News Washington bureau chief fired for saying Romney's 'Happy to Throw a Party With Black People Dying"

  19. Liberal Media Exaggerate GOP Abortion Plank to Stir Up Troops

  20. Fact checkers self-destructing over Ryan speech

  21. If you really want to understand the mind of Chris Matthews…..

  22. MSNBS-The Racist Network

  23. Does watching Chris Matthews make people stupid? Or do you have to be stupid to watch Chris Matthews?

  24. I Call BS… Lib Media Says GOP Delegates Threw Nuts at Black Camerawoman & Called Her Names (No Video, Pictures or Names)

  25. Media Calls Paul Ryan A Liar. Real Facts Say Otherwise…

  26. Liberal Media Taking Knives To Clint Eastwood Over Romney Endorsement

  27. Tingles: I’m Qualified To Play Race Card Because I Live In “Black Majority” DC. Reality: Lives In Lily-White Affluent Maryland Suburb…

  28. Tingles Still Playing The Race Card: RNC Message Is A Return To Slavery…

  29. MSNBC: Racist Or Agenda Driven? Both? (With Video Addenda)

  30. Hey NBCNews: You Missed a Spot

  31. Chris Matthews gets fact checked on claim that he lives in DC

  32. Fox’s RNC Panel Tears Into Fired Yahoo News DC Chief For Racially-Charged Remark About Romney

  33. MSNBC: References To Golf, Chicago Are Racist

  34. Channeling The Liberal Media

  35. Tingling Irrelevance – MSNBC Circling The Intellectual Drain…

  36. MSNBC Finishes Dead Last in the Convention Ratings



Via Legal Insurrection                                                   Branco Cartoon – Blackout
