Obama Campaign Email: 'Hell No, It Isn't the End!'
Obama, the ultimate birther jokester
President Barack Obama: That Mitt Romney has "extreme positions"
Chart of the Day: Change in Income Under Obama
Barack Obama: Full Of Tweet
Obama Mocks Protestor: “That Young Man Probably Needed A Good Teacher.”
Obama: Romney Holds “Extreme” Views…
President Obama's Website Suggests Telling Jokes About 'Birther' Controversy?
OBAMA: The wheels have come off!
Obama Syndicate: When Evil Rules the Land & its People
Obama promises to work across party lines, next time
Must Read! “Obama’s 2nd-term Assault on U.S. Military”. The Choice is Real this November: Americanism vs. Communism
Listen: Barack Obama Calls Newborn Baby a "Fetus Outside of the Womb"
Pure Chicago: Obama Campaign Violates Tradition by Crashing Romney Convention
Steve Chapman: The Truth About Obama and Welfare Reform
Mocking Obama and the Rest of the Political Clowns