Sunday, August 26, 2012

My Article Read On August 25, 2012


  1. GOP Governors Blocking LEED in States

  2. US Army Soldiers rock it out in Kunar, Afghanistan...

  3. Mitt Romney interview with Raymond Arroyo of EWTN......

  4. An FYI

  5. Joe Dan – The Liberal Church of the Intolerant Heart

  6. Luke 6:37-45

  7. Daily Read – August 25

  8. Obama’s America 2016

  9. And we're back...

  10. The ‘new cold war’ is an information war

  11. New 9/11 Colouring Book Features Terrorist Trading Cards - Obama's Buddy Bill Ayers Featured!

  12. Are YOU a racist?

  13. The last full measure of our tax dollars

  14. Elites explain why the rest of us are so despicable

  15. NY Police Need More Time On The Gun Range...

  16. Isaac scares off Joe Biden

  17. Image of the Day: Proposed Billboard To Welcome GOP To Tampa

  18. Fail: The allegedly pro-woman DNC convention won't offer childcare...

  19. America’s Future in Prophecy - The Proof, the Promise and the Point of No Return

  20. Neil Armstrong 1930–2012

  21. Oh dear, that’s a worry…NOT.

  22. serious beef thieves

  23. London 19 August 2012

  24. How precious we are


  26. Rock star says Obama behind shootings

  27. Mitt Romney selling mugs with his birth certificate on them … oh, wait

  28. Democrats must want you to get incurable gonorrhea

  29. Did I miss the national dialogue and soul searching over the FRC shooting?

  30. It wasn’t a lie, it was the composite truth

  31. What marriage is

  32. Cry Out!

  33. Brian Ferry: Don't Stop The Dance – 1985

  34. Proof That We Have Become FAR
    Too Dependent on Computers

  35. Call Me Snake

  36. Hey, Pass The Bourbon

  37. We Got Him!

  38. Racial Obsession Syndrome now an epidemic as the voices in Liberals heads utter “code words”

  39. What happens to your state when voters elect idiots?

  40. Neil Armstrong Dead at 82 – First Man to Walk on the Moon

  41. Mitt Romney Rips Obama: If Your Child Gets on Honor Roll… Don’t Thank the Bus Driver (Video)

  42. Mitt Romney Rips Obama Protesters – Compares Them to Greek Chorus & Obama’s Record to Greek Economy (Video)

  43. Doug Addison: An Angel of Grace said, "It's Time to Cross Over" 

  44. The Weekend Edition: Tea Party Roots and the Convention

  45. RNC Cancelled For Monday Due To Hurricane

  46. John Hinckley’s Family. We Can’t Afford Legal Bills For Him Anymore

  47. Mitt Romney. Obama Has Given Up And Just Wants To Play A Blame Game

  48. GOP Rep. Joe Walsh Continues To Refuse To Apologize For Saying Radical Islamists Want To Kill Americans…

  49. Navy Honors Heroes In War On Terror

  50. University Of Virginia Turns Down Obama Speech

  51. Vatican Official Defends Girl Accused Of Blasphemy In Pakistan