2016: Obama's America...
Coverage of Republican National Convention...
Daily Read – August 28
Muslims: Worshippers of Satan?
Mum’s the word: Liberal, lefty lawbreaking goes unreported
Politically Correct Policing At Work: Toronto activist & fraud artist deported to Nigeria
Happy Pancake Day! Rachel Corrie's Death Ruled Accidental
The Left’s Version of ‘Legitimate Rape’
Republican Convention gets underway
Karma: Man steals cell phone from Ebola patient, gets Ebola...
SEAL led PAC to release new ad criticizing Obama for bowing to foreign leaders...
Amusing Video: Chair Of Democrat Convention Won't Say “Bank Of America”…
DHS Source: “It’s going hot”
Big Labour Thuggery: 101
It’s not the red tape which prevents gun deaths.
Where Do You Go For Counsel? The Counsel of the Lord...
Rick Joyner: Don't Overreact to Mistakes
When Satan Prophesies
wake up CHURCH, and smell the coming storm...
Honoring a strong woman
This is an interesting bit of news: Communist Party...
Court throws out Texas redistricting plans
The Bow is back
Love Bomb!
Either that, or …
The “you didn’t build it” meme has permeated deep
If she says 2016 Omg!, it must be Omg!
WTF? Romney Camp Removes Two Florida Rules Committee Members
Convention Fight Update: It Isn’t Over
Becoming a Top-Down Party of Nothing
Euthanasia and Rodney Hide
RepubliCrat Thuggery
Persecution Driving Fast Toward American Church
Chuck Norris
State of Israel/IDF Ruled Innocent in 2003
Bulldozer-Flattening of American Activist -
Corpse Bride
Caption Contest Winners
People Of Walmart
How I Became George Obama’s ‘Brother’ (Dinesh D’souza)
Special Ops For America Verbally Bitch-Slaps Obama With New ‘Bow To Nobody’ Video
Defending the Defenders – Tea Party Patriots Salute the US Military
GOP Rules Change Update: Victory or Farce? …Update: GOP Brass Still Pushing Changes
Sarah Palin: Those People With Their Hopium Addiction Still Have 71 Days to Open Their Eyes (Video)
Jamie and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Weekend
Stargate Atlantis--"The Siege, Part II"
Prayer Alert: Iran's Islamic Regime Faces Fall Attack from Israel & Christian Revival
Tens of Thousands to Pray For the Hungry at Wembley Stadium
Liberals in Full-On Meltdown Mode
Jessie Ventura Takes Chris Kyle To Court
Fundamentally Useless Kenyan
Reggie “Body Man” Love: Obama Leads Like He Plays…
Navy Seals To Obama: We Bow To Nobody
Families Made Homeless By DNC
Obama Campaign To Unemployed Youth: It Could Be Worse…
Gov. Jindal slams FEMA and Obama administration over slow response to Hurricane Isaac requests
SEEKING GOD? Is it possible to seek God? Calvinist...