Obama’s “Dead Cat Bounce”
Obama's joyless slog
Obama Turned Down Dolan DNC Prayer Request
Obama's Work Ethic Criticized Again
Obama, Holder Sledgehammer the First Amendment
Fraud Of The Day
New poll dashes Obama's hope to use Mediscare as a wedge issue against Romney-Ryan
Obama's lead drops to two points in Nevada
Fisking Obama's weird basketball analogy...
The Obama Syndicate: When Evil Rules the Land and its People
Obama’s Take No Prisoners War-Fighting
If only there were more areas that he felt the government shouldn’t “meddle” in.
Barack Obama Can’t Spell Ohio. Crucify Him Like Media Did Dan Quayle!
We're Illustrating Absurdity by Being Absurd: Did Obama's Anti-Boss Rhetoric Inspire Empire State Building Shooter?
Obama Produced Utter Economic Disaster
Obama's Only Agenda: Hate Romney
70% of Obama's Twitter followers fake
Hear Obama defend infanticide in Illinois…
Obama Botches Rank Of Top Navy SEAL
Thanks Barack… Seattle Stuck With $100K Security Bill While Obama Rakes In $1.75 Million
New Documents Reveal Obama Administration ‘Cooking The Books’ To Achieve Record Deportation Numbers
Disaster!… Obama Catholic Support Cut In Half – Only 27% of Catholics Support Abortion President Today (Video)
Obama Campaign Accuses Romney Of Hitting A “New Low” With Birth Certificate Joke, Uses Opportunity To Fundraise…
Now That's Some Ego!
Obama 'Recovery' Leads to Falling Incomes