Massacre outside of Damascus
Chicago needs Wyatt Earp
99% Ain’t Bad
Where Were You?
Flashback Of The Day
2012 Convention Road Trip Begins
Thomas Sowell - 2016 - A Powerful Movie
So what's new in Syria? Oh, another atrocity video...
The Ugly Canadian...Barbara Sumner Burstyn
David Cameron wants British people to “integrate more” with the Muslim way of life….
Why Did Former RNC Chairman Michael Steele Decide To Hold This Convention In Florida During Hurricane Season?
On November 6, African-Americans Must Choose Between Jesus Christ & Barack Obama!
Francis Porretto:
Bob Is A Racist
Neil Armstrong 1930–2012
but don’t dare call them dimwitted….
Breast-feeding Nazis:
Rock legend slams Obama for 'bulls---' spending
Congressmen to Obama: See you in court
Will God still be on Dems side if Hurricane Isaac buries New Orleans?
Running on empty
Charlie Crist endorses Obama
Well, that was quick
Now I believe
There is no conservative case for same-sex marriage
Fiery Darts Extinguished!
Reaganite's Sunday Funnies
Neil Armstrong, 1930-2012
Republican Convention In Tampa Postponed Due To Tropical Storm Isaac
Two In ‘Republican Women For Obama’ Ad Exposed As Democrats (Video)
Leftists can be a great source of laughter
When you lift the mask off of public employee union thugs……………
Jeb Bush Bashes Republicans (Video)
GP with the TPP at the RNC
Entering a New Season
Assault On Religious Liberty
Weekend Edition: Saluting Neil Armstrong
Dead Nuclear Scientists Cars Displayed Outside Of Iranian Summit
Report: Germany Met With Palestinians After 1972 Munich Attack
First Protestors Arrested In Tampa Carrying B.B. Gun On A Roof
Neil Armstrong And Islam
You Didn’t Build That – God Built That
The Dung Beetle Award goes to...
Woe to Him
The Prophet Muhammad VS. Little Girl With Down Syndrome
WORLD: Jonah and the DNC