Saturday, August 25, 2012

My Article Read On August 24, 2012


  1. Granny Jan sums it up...

  2. Paul Ryan: Mitt Romney knows what the engine of opportunity is...

  3. A Must Read

  4. The End Of Civility

  5. Daily Read – August 24

  6. Why we are on the brink of the greatest Depression of all time 

  7. Quote Of The Day

  8. A Message from the Radicals of ‘Coalition to March on the RNC’

  9. Learn To Dance The Che Way!

  10. Lyon Rabbi sent Holocaust photo threat

  11. Syria Seems A Game Of Who Can Out-Atrocity The Other

  12. The body was found with the ears, nose, tongue and limbs torn from the body

  13. Fool me once, shame on you…

  14. Twitter is now tracking sentiment of users about Mitt Romney and Barack Obama

  15. Biden tweets Obama fist-bump picture

  16. ‘Mountain Pride’ versus the Welfare State

  17. ‘Political General Complains of Politics’

  18. heh!

  19. Words fail. Really.

  20. NEWSFLASH: Important US Election Update

  21. God has called you to manifest His Kingdom through signs and miracles...

  22. IS a Church without the Fullness of the Holy Spirit legitimate...

  23. Babies, not legal to kill in the womb

  24. Can this be true??

  25. Romenycare has failed in Massachusetts just like...

  26. This bunch of THUGS go to campus to rob and beat ...

  27. I'm sure this is true. NONE of my black conservative friends...

  28. How the Qur'an introduced me to a side of Christian side of history that I Have never known...

  29. Mitt Hits: No One's Ever Asked to See My Birth Certificate

  30. Go See D'Souza's 2016: Obama's America (And Expendables 2 is Good, Too)

  31. Gunman opens fire outside Empire State Building

  32. Akin Press Conf. Live (Update – Staying in race)

  33. Barack Obama again jokes about his birth certificate, outrage ensues …. oh, wait

  34. Georgia-12: Primary, recount, runoff… Recount?

  35. 19 shootings overnight in Obama’s home town of Chicago

  36. Elizabeth Warren did not Google “China commodity prices collapse”

  37. Really gutsy call

  38. Hating “Extremism”

  39. It Shall Be Done!

  40. RED HOT Conservative Chicks:
    Fox News Channel's Jenna Lee!

  41. Weekend Caption Contest

  42. The Man With The Golden Gun

  43. Armstrong Drops Fight Against Charges

  44. The Profits Are Rolling In

  45. Lilo And Snitch

  46. Some Friday afternoon humor

  47. D’souza: Why The President‘s Impoverished Brother Is ’Ashamed‘ Of The Name ’Obama’

  48. Well, there is some sanity in Illinois after all

  49. Ann Romney Gets Choked Up at Rally in Home State Michigan (Video)

  50. Hah!… Romney To Home State Crowd: ‘No One Has Asked To See My Birth Certificate’ (Video)

  51. MUST SEE — Lawyer Koutoulas Tells Rick Santelli: ‘We Plan To Pursue Criminal Charges Against Jon Corzine In All 50 States’ (Video)

  52. Obama Administration: Keep Greece in Eurozone Until After Election

  53. Lord, Give Us Leaders

  54. Ghost Or Reagan Taunts Barack Obama – “Are You Better Off Than You Were Four Years Ago?”

  55. Paul Ryan To Do-Nothing Obama: PUT UP OR SHUT UP

  56. Friday Fume

  57. Costa Mesa Councilman Says Union’s Tried To Set Him Up

  58. Obama’s America 2016 Is Expected To Be Number One Film This Weekend

  59. Floyd Corkins Pleads Not Guilty to Attack

  60. Tea Party Building Poll Watcher Army For November Elections