Saturday, August 25, 2012

A Short Rant On Our Mainstream Media

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Let’s face it our mainstream media is a bad joke. They have become a pitiful bunch of pathetic, brown nosers to Obama. They really should be embarrassed by it. Not to mention, our mainstream media with the brown manure on their noses don’t make them look pretty but ugly punks. They wonder why they are getting low rating. I don’t even think they know when Obama goes down they will too if they keep brown nosing Obama.
They don’t know right from wrong anymore (well, maybe a few). If Obama did a murder in front of bunch of people, our mainstream media would have audacity to tell those people they didn’t see that. Yeap, the good old case of cover up and trying to brainwash ploy, a communist paper kind of thing. Should we trust a media like this? I don’t think so!
Our mainstream media ethics is “What ethics?”. They practice journalistic malpractice everyday. There should be a law against the kind malpractice they do. We should be able to sue them if someone gets hurt because of their reckless malpractice. These people are robbing us of the truth and hurting us too.
Let’s face it our mainstream media are lapdogs not watchdogs anymore. They’re a shame to our nation. They need to be replaced. Thank you for letting me get this of my chest.