Sunday, November 13, 2011

My List Of Articles I Read On November 12, 2011, Part 1


  1. Shots Fired Near White House
  2. Cain Announces He Would Consider VP Slot…But Not for Romney
  3. Unbelievable- Baby Born at 11-11 A.M. on 11-11-11 to a Vet on Veterans Day
  4. Allen West on Herman Cain- ‘Conservative Minorities Scare Liberals’
  5. WH Circulated a Plan to Replace DoE Secretary Chu
  6. ‘Occupy’ Mom ‘Won’t Stop’ Putting Protest Above Her Kids’ Safety
  7. One Occupy protester arrested at conservative conference in Denver
  8. In Wake of Two Deadly Shootings, Ben & Jerry’s Issues Statement About #Occupy Support
  9. Oakland police union to occupiers- It’s time
  10. Thinning the occupier herd
  11. Guerrilla Conservatism
  12. Krauthammer- Occupy protesters will scatter or governments will 'kick them out'
  13. TheDC- Members to hold press conference on Holder resignation calls
  14. Restoring the Constitutional Republic Rally in DC
  15. Looking for a few good Republicans
  16. Occupy Denver Fails in Attempt to Invade BlogCon
  17. Guess Who's Coming For (Shabbos) Dinner-Occupy Denver
  18. Pentagon blasts Ariz. Senate candidate
  19. Occupy Denver Invades Conservative Blogger Conclave, Fails to Bring Canine Leader
  20. Iran threatens to invade Israel through Syria
  21. Shouting Allahu Akbar, Issa Islam did not stop, but rather stepped on the gas and continued his