Wednesday, November 30, 2011

My List Of Articles I Read On November 29, 2011


  1. Thank you, Nancy Pelosi, for revealing who you and Congress really are!

  2. New Ad- Help Us Sarah Palin, You’re Our Only Hope

  3. Beckel Defends Pot-Smoking Union Workers

  4. Big Peace Editor Peter Schweizer Discusses ‘Throw Them All Out’ and Congressional Insider Trading

  5. The Sunday Conversation: Greg Gutfeld

  6. Chris Christie on the Super Committee- What the hell are we paying Obama for-

  7. MOH Winner Suing BAE Systems

  8. Cop faked GED and medals for Iraq

  9. Who could have predicted this-

  10. Will National Defense Authorization Lead to Indefinite Imprisonment of Americans-

  11. Paul Keith Davis- Deliverers Ascending Zion- This Will Be a Day of Divine Justice

  12. The Stench of Theoretical Christianity

  13. Liberty, Equality, Fraternity

  14. Tapper- Seems Like Obama Is Campaigning on Our Dime

  15. Legal Immigrants Against the DREAM Act

  16. The Secrets of Soros, Obama, Occupiers and the MSM (Part 3)

  17. Giant hand holding tiny baby - what else could it be-

  18. When you are over governed and live under an inflexible bureaucracy

  19. Iran- Protesters storm British embassy, enter premises

  20. No one wants to talk about Arab Spring anti-Semitism

  21. Nigeria- At least 45 Christians reported killed in recent weeks by Muslim herdsmen and soldiers

  22. U.K.- Foreign secretary warns of jihadists without borders in Africa

  23. White House Spokesman Jay Carney Blames Europe For Poor Economy

  24. Obama Administration Ignored Law Prohibiting Funding to Acorn

  25. Thomas Edison Prepares to Roll Over in His Grave

  26. New Discovery at Stonehenge Could Help Unlock Longtime Mystery

  27. Alec Baldwin’s Latest Twitter Rant Against Conservatives- ‘Gun-Loving, War-Mongering, Trolls….Br

  28. Did Your Favorite Conservative Woman Make This Top 10 List-

  29. American Airlines Files for Bankruptcy — Blames Unions

  30. Worst. President. Ever… Obama’s Approval Numbers Sink Below Carter’s

  31. Iranian Regime Goons Loot Queen’s Portrait From British Embassy

  32. Report- Herman Cain ‘Reassessing’ Candidacy

  33. Your ‘Feel Good’ Video of the Day- #Occupy Goons Tased & Dragged From WA Capitol Building

  34. Liberal Media Springs Into Action… WaPo Seeks Dirt on Newt

  35. The Barney Frank embarrassment

  36. Obama record in a nutshell

  37. incorrect predictions and quotes from Barack Obama’s past-

  38. Frank signs on to repeal of 'real' Obamacare 'death panel'

  39. Exclusive video- Obama in 2006- I 'stole' book title 'Audacity of Hope' from 'my pastor'

  40. Conquering Discouragement! [Tuesday, November 29, 2011]

  41. Who's the Most Conservative of Them All-

  42. Barack Obama and Ben Bernanke to Save the World-

  43. Colin Powell Is Totally Ignorant About The Founding Fathers

  44. Kindle Fire Review

  45. In Memoriam- The Bravest of Men

  46. Hollywood Moonbat of The Day- Scarlett Johansson Would Like To Inform You That You’re Being “Irresponsible”

  47. Rhode Island Governor Scraps Statehouse Christmas Tree And Goes With “Holiday” Tree Instead

  48. Are teachers overpaid-

  49. Why Government Doesn't Work

  50. Pat Condell - The Gathering Storm

  51. Pakistani Hindus flee to India, in the face of jihad

  52. Syrian regime is torturing children


  54. How convenient…

  55. wow!  (and I wish I understood Spanish)

  56. Action Of An Apartheid State

  57. I Would Fire Upon U.S. Citizens

  58. Media to Glenn- You were right!

  59. Douglas E. Schoen- What Barney Frank's Retirement Means for Democrats

  60. Senate defies Obama veto threat in terrorist custody vote

  61. 3 close associates of DNC's 2012 co-chair indicted

  62. #OccupyWallStreet- The Rap Sheet, So Far -- 360 Incidents

  63. Poll- Obama is tanking with independents

  64. Eric Holder to Daily Caller- Leave Eric Holder alone!

  65. Democrats may peg the bat sh-t crazy meter for House Financial Services Committee



