- PJTV- Victor Davis Hanson on 2012 and the State of Conservatism
- Are Ron Paul Supporters Obama’s Secret Weapon-
- Breaking: new evidence shows Hillary a mastermind behind Gunwalker
- Cain defamation lawyer hired to monitor accusations
- The Fallacy of Full-Time Christian Work by Os Hillman
- Chuck D. Pierce- The Harvest Has Begun and Seven Key Revelatory Nuggets
- Past 24 Hours Three Occupier Deaths
- A Veteran's Day Prayer
- Building on that explanation of media’s Cain obsession
- When Ted Kennedy and Chris Dodd Sexually Harassed Carrie Fisher
- SHOCK VIDEO- Shootings at Occupy Oakland captured on tape
- Obama Administration didn't release photos of dead bin Laden for fear it would look like an attempt to “humiliate” the Al Qaeda leader
- Detroit- Muslims continue to pretend they're physically threatened by Christians praying
- Conspiracy Theory Shuts Down Great Pyramid
- Pakistan- Asia Bibi marks one year in jail under death sentence for blasphemy
- Swiss Develop New Technique to Deter Muslim Violence on Public Transport
- Pakistan- Four peace committee members killed, one beheaded
- Middle East- Christian ministers pray for god to love all, Muslim clerics pray for Allah to torture Infidels
- DUH- UN inspectors remove heads from asses, finally admit Iran is building nukes
- Veteran’s Day- Our Service Does Not End
- I’ll See Your Holder and Raise You An Obama