Saturday, November 12, 2011

My List Of Articles I Read On November 11, 2011, Part 2


  1. PJTV- Victor Davis Hanson on 2012 and the State of Conservatism
  2. Are Ron Paul Supporters Obama’s Secret Weapon-
  3. Breaking: new evidence shows Hillary a mastermind behind Gunwalker
  4. Cain defamation lawyer hired to monitor accusations
  5. The Fallacy of Full-Time Christian Work by Os Hillman
  6. Chuck D. Pierce- The Harvest Has Begun and Seven Key Revelatory Nuggets
  7. Past 24 Hours Three Occupier Deaths
  8. A Veteran's Day Prayer
  9. Building on that explanation of media’s Cain obsession
  10. When Ted Kennedy and Chris Dodd Sexually Harassed Carrie Fisher
  11. SHOCK VIDEO- Shootings at Occupy Oakland captured on tape
  12. Obama Administration didn't release photos of dead bin Laden for fear it would look like an attempt to “humiliate” the Al Qaeda leader
  13. Detroit- Muslims continue to pretend they're physically threatened by Christians praying
  14. Conspiracy Theory Shuts Down Great Pyramid
  15. Pakistan- Asia Bibi marks one year in jail under death sentence for blasphemy
  16. Swiss Develop New Technique to Deter Muslim Violence on Public Transport
  17. Pakistan- Four peace committee members killed, one beheaded
  18. Middle East- Christian ministers pray for god to love all, Muslim clerics pray for Allah to torture Infidels
  19. DUH- UN inspectors remove heads from asses, finally admit Iran is building nukes
  20. Veteran’s Day- Our Service Does Not End
  21. I’ll See Your Holder and Raise You An Obama