- The Arab Spring Is Actually the “Muslim Brotherhood Spring”
- Facebook and Google join the Tea Party
- GOP lawmaker to target TSA for reforms
- Putting My Career (And Other People’s Money-) Where My Mouth Is…
- Equality- an abstraction impossible to realize
- South Carolina cancer center becomes Sharia-compliant, bans Santa Claus
- Saudi Arabia- Women Must Cover Provocative Eyes
- Iran- Massive explosion occurred during military research on weapons that could strike Israel
- Muslim Brotherhood- Only “Drunks, Druggies, and Adulterers” Reject Sharia
- Kuwait- Ethiopian “maid” beaten to death by her master
- CAIR complains about Islam being mentioned in anti-terrorism bills
- Citizenship Does not Automatically Equate to Loyalty
- Our economy is built on fake money
- Why this gay atheists fantasy woman is a Christian
- Why a Progressive Republican Won’t Win in 2012
- Tell Stories to Make a Point-
- How Can You Sleep When this Storm is about to Kill Us-
- Raised in the Home of a General
- Students Lose Zeal for Aiding Obama Again
- Breitbart opens up shop in Washington
- Wisconsin Dems Head to Cemetery to Recall Walker-