Tuesday, November 15, 2011

My List Of Articles I Read On November 14, 2011, Part 1


  1. 60 Minutes- Are Members of Congress Trading Stocks on Inside Information-
  2. Gloria Cain Speaks Out On Harassment Claims- Husband ‘Totally Respects Women’
  3. Marchers Promote Tolerance and Protest Torched Cars and Anti-Semitic Vandalism in Brooklyn
  4. Pelosi Fires Back at CBS Report
  5. Conn Carroll- We've seen this 'Occupy' flick before, at Alcatraz
  6. Tourists invited to see erupting Congo volcano
  7. 60 Minutes Report on Corruption in D.C
  8. Drugs, Deaths, Disease and Thieves Prompt Police to Move Against Occupy Protesters
  9. Sfc Billy Honey's message for Occupiers
  10. Tide is turning against OWS
  11. Obama disses his constituents – again
  12. Women bloggers seek to fight online misogyny, critics decry threat to free speech
  14. Republicans Look Into the Mouth of the Gift Horse
  15. Molon Labe, Laus Deo, and 11/11/11
  16. “Occupy” Crimes Now Include Rape & Murder- Still Approve, Princess Pelosi-
  17. An Ex-Soviet Reports from Occupy LA
  18. Berlusconi Understood America
  19. Elections at Risk- Media in the Tank for Criminals
  20. Happy New Jumblatt! A Lebanese Leader Gets Brave and What it Means
  21. Oh My – Occupy Organizer Speaks Openly About Infiltrating American Military
  22. Occupy Protester Slashes Officer With Razor