Sunday, November 20, 2011

My List Of Articles I Read On November 19, 2011


  1. Coburn Blasts Occupy Wall St.- ‘I’ve Never Seen Violence Like This’ in a U.S. Political Group “In my Lifetime”
  2. Larry Elder Hammers Chris Matthews in Agonizing Interview- ‘I’m Sorry For Cutting You Off the way you cut your guest off.’
  3. ‘How Dare You?!’: Alan Colmes, Mike Gallagher Get Into Shouting Match Over Occupy Wall Street-Tea Party Comparison
  4. Police Pepper Spray Seated Occupy Protesters at UC Davis
  5. Solyndra- Did Secretary Chu Lie Under Oath-
  6. Good Morning, Barack!
  7. Congress Hoses the Folks Once Again
  8. Lucille Ball Cooked THAT-
  9. Michele Bachmann Exclusive Interview
  10. The Great Awakening of the Mommy Patriots
  11. Discerning the Call to Prophetic Intercession
  12. Here's How We Can Blog To Get Americans Back To Work
  13. How Do You Define American- A New Storytelling Project
  14. GOP Budget Chair Ryan Votes ‘No’ on GOP’s Balanced Budget Amendment- Will Lead to ‘Bigger Government’, ‘More Taxes’
  15. “Proof” that OWS is winning-
  16. New Wave of Leaders
  17. The Party's Over
  18. Time for Another Look at the GOP Bench
  19. First GOP candidate, 52nd member of Congress to demand Holder's resignation
  20. TheDC- The complete list of members of Congress calling for Holder to resign
  21. Indict Holder 
  22. Obama’s OWS Grows More Violent…Threatens Young Children
  23. Black Republican’s Campaign Sign Defaced With ‘KKK,’ Media Yawns
  24. Snub Of The Day
  25. Black Conservatives Demand Pelosi, NAACP and Other Liberals Renounce and Apologize for Occupy Wall Street
  26. Has The Occupied Stained Democrats-
  27. Creepy Website Of The Day
  28. Open Thread Saturday
  29. Spaniards Set to Throw Out Ruling Socialists
  30. Once Again, Islamists Bully Europe on Free Speech
  32. Dem lobbyist for LightSquared sought meeting at White House
  33. Rush- Newt is proudly, confidently articulating conservative ideals
  34. Challenge to “Patriotic Millionaires”- Show Me the Money
  35. Saif al-Islam Gaddafi captured
  36. New York- ConEd asks judge to let it evict Ground Zero mosque developer over $1.7 million owed i
  37. U.K.- Four men charged with fundraising for the purposes of terrorism
  38. How a Tolerant Country Can Avoid Being a Doormat for Intolerant Countries
  39. Pandering to pampered patricians
  40. For the Record
  41. Politics of hate
  42. Humble Pie
  43. Why parents are criminals
  44. Downgrade 2.0 on the Horizon-
  45. Occupy Wall Street Versus Tea Party- Are They Similar-
  46. The Gold Cow on the Wall
  47. The Media Elite's Crucifixion of Sarah Palin
  48. #OccupyWallStreet- The Rap Sheet, So Far -- 302 Incidents
  49. Lobbyists Plan to Undermine Occupy Movement
  50. Matthews- Obamas Don’t Like Being In White House; Michelle Not Happy
  51. Thrill Is Gone- Matthews Turns On Obama; ‘I Hear Stories That You Would Not Believe’
  52. Schweizer- Pelosi Made Killing On Clean Energy IPO While Championing Green Legislation
  53. Secret Service Protects Cain After Death Threats
  54. The Democrat Party's Long and Shameful History of Bigotry and Racism
  55. #Occupy Maine Goons Arrested After They Choke and Beat Camp Drummer With a Hammer
  56. #Occupy Bagram Sends Message to #OWS Whiners
  57. Permalink to Meet Bloodied Thug Brandon Watts- The Media and Far Left’s Latest #OWS Hero
  58. Democrats see minefield in Occupy protests
  59. 52 Members Of Congress Now Say “Holder Must Resign NOW”
  60. Ron Paul Eyeing Surprise Victory In Iowa-
  61. Clinton says there could be civil war
  62. Wagner not a suspect in Natalie Wood's death- police
  63. A Gettysburg Address for OWS
  64. Occupy Bagram- “Quit your bitchin’ and get back to work”
  65. Newt handles ‘Occupy Jacksonville’ hecklers
  66. Obama War Room- Brushfires