The party gives me a chance to get on my soap box and rant what I am fed up with.
- I am fed up with Eric Holder. When are they going to take the velcro off the man’s back and send him flying out the door.
- I am fed up with DOE Chu. Why hasn’t Congress sent his incompetent, sorry butt out the nearest exit.
- I am fed up with Chris Matthews. I am glad Mr. Matthews got a taste of his own medicine from Larry Elders.
- I am fed up with Occupy Wall Street. I must be a glutton for punishment because I still read articles about Occupy Wall Street. Crazy isn’t it?
- I am fed up with the Republicans in Congress. The word ‘weenie’ comes to mind when I have thought about them for the past few days.
- I am fed up with Democrats still. They’re still acting like spoiled, whiny brats.
- I am fed up with feeling like I am in the ‘Twilight Zone’. Everybody gone nuts in this fun new world of kool-aid drinkers.
- I am still fed up with MSM. When are these people going to get a clue ‘We, The People’ don’t want to live in their make believe world.
- I am fed up with Communist. All they believe in is making a mythological world in ‘The Outer Limits’.
I feel better now. Thank you Senator McCain for letting me join.