Thursday, November 17, 2011

My List Of Articles I Read On November 16, 2011, Part 3


  1. Glenn at Ad Age media conference- “Stop treating your viewers like they’re morons
  2. Watch the live feed of ‘Occupy’ showdown in NYC
  3. Cancer Hospital Kicks Out Santa — Then Changes Mind After Public Outcry
  4. Calls for Kagan Recusal Intensify as More Emails Surface
  5. The inside story- Why Bloomberg finally cleared the park
  6. Newt: Gingrich/Cain Ticket 'A Real Possibility'
  7. Local residents ready to sue city, landlord if OWS is allowed to return
  8. New Perry ad- Who’s Obama calling “lazy”-
  9. Journalists detained at NYC Occupy protests
  10. Obama Pushing Shooters Off Public Lands
  11. Chorus grows for Eric Holder's resignation
  12. TX Sheriff's office to deploy drone to watch US citizens
  14. Australia- Secret Service docs for Obama visit found in old van
  15. Report- Obama Seeks to Circumvent Congress to Fix ‘Obamacare Glitch’
  16. Congressmen- Obama will share blame for 'Fast and Furious' without action on Holder
  17. Wisconsin freshman senator- We need more 'citizen legislators'
  18. Union Thug Leo Gerard Calls for a ‘Resistance’ Movement
  19. BREAKING- Senate Calls Hearings on Congressional Insider Trading; ‘60 Minutes Story Sparks Examination
  20. 'Occupy' Without Violence Or 'Burn NYC to Ground'-