'Occupy Indianapolis' recruit homeless to keep protests going
'Zombie' protester arrested
Boko Haram- New Security Threat for US in Nigeria
Some things in this world, you just can't explain
How to make an occupier's head explode
'Crypto-Fascist Hollywood-' Who could have guessed-
The Father of the Bill of Rights on 'Fundamental Principles'
CSI for Doggy Doo- Now You Can Use DNA to Nail Your Neighbors
My Afternoon Of Reading (Or Trying To)
Let the REAL revolutionary power flow through our country
Senators to Obama, DHS- Stop ignoring illegal alien sanctuaries
McGuinty Vows to Sabotage Democracy
Video Proof- UC Davis Protesters Were Warned Before Pepper Spray Incident
Matthews- National Media ‘Leans A Little To The Left’
Gun Control- The silence of Obama
My problem with authority
We’re ALL Wrong About OWS
Okay Gun Nuts – What Is It-
Copts- Behind You Is the Junta, Before you the Islamists
Incriminating Timeline: Democrats Punt on Fiscal Responsibility
Memo to the Occupiers
Not Your Grandfather's Republican Party; Obama and Romney Nearly the Same
Pornography - On purpose laid to make the taker mad
Election day diversion
Egypt- Tourism tanks; hotel manager says we're deeply afraid of the Islamic groups at the moment
Goodbye You Stupid Evil Law! Tories strike a blow against censorship
Arab Springtime For Hitler Update- One day we'll kill all Jews Signed, Your Friends, The Moderate Muslim Brotherhood
Latest Bitchy Whiner Trying To Silence Sun TV... is...Shocker! A Failed NDP Candidate!
Shocker- Egyptian islamist group aided islamists during Sudanese civil war
Popular New York Restaurant May Close Doors Because of Excessive Union Demands
Body of Former N.Y. Mafia Boss Fished Out of River in Canada
Another Reference to the Mayan Prediction of the 2012 Apocalypse Found-
See Glenn Beck‘s Epic Address at David Horowitz’s ‘Restoration Weekend’
Pakistan Cuts NATO Supply Lines to Afghanistan
Purification of the Prophetic
Krauthammer blasts Ron Paul on foreign policy for 'living' in the 1920s
Prayer Fever
Don't Let Media Fear Intimidate You
House of Blessing! [Saturday, November 26, 2011]
Time to Reflect
Chinese Cynical Exploitation in Sierra Leone- Timber! - Africa Investigates - Al Jazeera English
Sarah Palin Supporters to Run Ad in Iowa Urging Her to Reconsider Decision Not to Run for President
OOPs!! New Study Shows CO2 Not Likely to Cause End of the World
Romney Winning Endorsement Battle – Rick Perry Distant Second
Great Big Book of Horrible Things
Recall Scott Walker Update
Moonbat Dem Rep. Dennis Kucinich- Occupy Wall Street An “Authentic Expression” Of Concern…
Kevin McCullough - Why Obama Will Go Racist Against Romney
Weekend Wrap (Naked Women Riding Scooters)
Newt Gingrich Mocks the Thought of Debating Obama- “If He Wants to Use a Teleprompt That's fine…We Have To Be Fair”
Another victory for “smart power”
Referencing Reagan, Ann Coulter’s sensible defense of GOP reluctance to raise taxes
Let’s Move! President Obama stuffs the pie hole with a hot dog
Wal-Mart to Occupy Movement- “We Serve the 99%”