Friday, November 18, 2011

My List Of Articles I Read On November 17, 2011


  1. Occupy Richmond Sets Up Camp on Lawn of Mayor’s Neighbor
  2. Maxine Waters on Deaths and Crimes at Occupy Protests- ‘That’s Life and It Happens’
  3. ‘Avenue Jew,’ Brooklyn- Subway Sign Defaced in String of Anti-Semitic Hate Crimes
  4. New ‘Unhate’ Ads Feature Obama Engaged in Same-Sex Kisses
  5. Senate GOP proposes welfare program reforms
  6. OWS- Let's Firebomb New York City
  7. Victory for the Second Amendment- House Passes Concealed Carry Bill
  8. OWS Day of Action: Storm Wall Street disguised in … business suits; Update:“We Shall Overcome”? Update: Live video added
  9. Rubio-Coons AGREE Act- Obama’s nightmare-
  10. Should I Buy a Gun-
  11. OWS popularity fades
  12. Holder junkets to Caribbean as calls for his resignation heat up
  13. Obama Energy Secretary Says “My Bad” On Solyndra Scandal
  14. Obama’s “America Sucks” Tour Continues…
  15. The Imaginarium of Barack Obama
  16. Wall St protesters march on New York Stock Exchange
  17. The Lord is Saying, Don't Be Offended, when it's all coming down
  18. You Can Either Play Nice, Or You Can Win Elections…
  19. Once again, the liberal meme that conservatives are dumb
  20. The intellectual laziness of the Democrats’ “economic sabotage” talking point
  21. Report- Pakistani ambassador sought help from U.S. to rein in Pakistani military
  22. Field trip! Iranian students pose as human shields around nuke facility, shouting Death to Israel
  23. Chechen poet who angered Islamic supremacists shot dead
  24. Ontario, Canada man on trial for killing his “dishonorable” daughters
  25. 70% of Arab youth want to leave the Arab world
  26. Boko Haram vs Logan’s Warning Debate Thread-
  27. Odd, very odd
  28. Maori tribe worth
  29. Media narcissists making the news not reporting it
  30. There but for the grace of God go I
  31. Greens supported by weird Christian Cult-
  32. Occupiers Threaten Shutdown
  33. What Pushes God Over the Edge-
  35. Kerry called out for trades, denies allegations
  36. #OccupyWallStreet- The Rap Sheet, So Far -- 271 Incidents
  37. ...GOP Rep. used 'nonpublic information to bet against his country'
  38. Chu Takes Responsibility, Not Blame for Solyndra Loan
  39. Van Jones, 'Green Jobs Czar', a self-described 'communist' arrested during Rodney King riots
  40. Law Prof- Pelosi Could Be Prosecuted Under Existing Insider Trading Law
  41. The Daily Show Destroys #OccupyWallStreet Better Than Any Evil Banker Could
  42. Solidarity for White House Shooter
  43. Alec Baldwin’s Lesson from Occupy Wall Street- Embrace Conservatism
  44. Leno’s Insider Trading Jab Reveals Schweizer’s Book Going Mainstream
  45. Occupy celebrates anti-capitalist terror group
  46. A story of divine providence
  47. Moment of Silence at Occupy San Diego for White House Shooter
  48. Benetton Unhate Ad Claims Inspiration from Brezhnev-Honecker Kiss of Dictators
  49. Guy Who Shot at White House Lived in Occupy DC Camp
  50. Subtitle for NY Times Story- Or Why We've got to Defeat Obama
  51. Blame Bloomberg for the national “Occupy” circus
  52. Rove Tells Off Hecklers- 'Who Gave You The Right To Occupy America- Nobody!'
  53. 'Occupy The Subway' In All 5 NYC Boroughs... Developing
  55. WH slams for using Obama's 'name and likeness for commercial purposes'
  56. Senate Rules Committee shuts down tea party gathering on Capitol Hill
  57. Jon Stewart Reveals Segregation & Class Warfare in the Occupy Movement
  58. Utah Man Arrested for Hurling Molotov Cocktail at Wells Fargo Branch
  59. Cain receives Secret Service protection