Wednesday, November 23, 2011

My List Of Articles I Read On November 22, 2011


    2. Obama pardons dope dealers

    3. Obama's 'body man' opens up about bond with president

    4. Powerful Wall Street Executive Takes U.S. Government And Federal Reserve To Court

    5. Washington Post Nails Barack Obama On Failure To Lead During Budget Debate

    6. Former Dem. congressman says Democratic Party bosses use voter fraud [VIDEO]

    7. Perry says Holder should resign, or be fired immediately

    8. Michael Moore- UC-Davis pepper spray 'Occupy's' Tiananmen Square moment [VIDEO]

    9. UC Davis pepper-spray protests reach Amazon product reviews

    10. Ahead of debate, Cain downplays 'media pop quizzes' on foreign affairs

    11. Huntsman demands Eric Holder's resignation

    12. Send in the Adults

    13. Rick Perry's Jihad Problem

    14. Obama And His Band of Cowards

    15. Travel Tips for a New College Graduate II

    16. #OccupyWallStreet- The Rap Sheet, So Far -- 329 Incidents

    17. County compiles list of nearly 100 problems since Occupy Santa Cruz moved in

    18. The Brady Bill

    19. It’s Time to Return to America’s Original Way of Life

    20. A Comeback for Cupcake Cops-

    21. The political witch-hunt for Herman Cain

    22. When you have cowardly fascists in charge

    23. Despite nearly forty years of social engineering

    24. Who are the REAL Hostage Takers-

    25. Mali Journal

    26. Is this the USA or Syria-

    27. Back in ’09, Biden said Jon Corzine was right;in ’11, Corzine’s company loses $1 B in customer money

    28. Happy Birthday, George Eliot

    29. Pelosi whines about Catholics having “this conscience thing”

    30. Video: Obama heckled by Occupiers in New Hampshire; Update: Rahm Emanuel heckled by Chicago Occupiers, too

    31. LA Mayor to Occupiers- How about a permanent camp … someplace else-

    32. Pregnant #Occupy Seattle Activist Loses Baby After Joining Violent Protests – Blame Cops

    33. Perfect… Ma Pelosi Uses #OWS to Raise Cash for Dems

    34. Obama Pal Tony Rezko Sentenced to 10.5 Years in Federal Prison

    35. It Figures… UC Davis Students AGREED to Be Pepper Sprayed Before Incident (Video)

    36. They’re Ba-ack… The ‘Weather Underground’ Terror Group Joins #Occupy Oakland Movement

    37. Well, Canada Won’t Be Kissing US A$$ Following Keystone Fiasco – Thanks to Barack Obama

    38. Outrage!… #Occupy Protesters Crap Inside St. Paul’s Cathedral

    39. Karl Marx Visits Occupy Wall Street

    40. Things You May Not Know About The Failed Super Committee

    41. The Dimple Factor- Missing Mom Previously ‘Humiliated’ On People’s Court

    42. Pic Of The Day

    43. Did Rush Go Too ‘Uppity’ Far-

    44. The B&R Tuesday Edition

    45. Yeah, go act a fool in Egypt

    46. Suffolk Law Professor Resigns…

    47. When Will the Media Do an Anal Exam of Obama Like They Do of Every Republican-

    48. Girl Kisses Boy and School Calls Police- Local Drive-By Media Misses the Full Story

    49. Smoking Gun- Cops Summoned To Florida Elementary School After Girl Kisses Boy In Phys Ed Class

    50. The Foolish things to Confound the Wise- a word from Elaine Tavolacci

    51. The Secrets of Soros, Obama, Occupiers and the MSM (Part 2 of 3)

    52. Three wishes and the Government's magic wand

    53. Raymond Ibrahim- Grand Mufti Distorts Word 'Infidel' to Dupe Infidels

    54. Geller- Why Obama betrayed the Iranian people

    55. Party video from Denmark- I am Denmark. I am a country that will stand guard to protect my own c

    56. Iran May Have Sent Libya Shells For Chemical Weapons

    57. Whoa – Gingrich Dominating Romney In South Carolina Poll