Friday, November 25, 2011

Ranting At The Fed Up Party Again


Yeah, I went  to the Fed Up Party to rant again and to  give a couple of Hallelujah Moments.

Fed up moments

  • I  am fed up with Michael Moore. Deadly weapons were use at Tiananmen Square not spray. People were killed at Tiananmen Square not at UC-Davis.  Geez, he needs to get a clue on comparing incidents.
  • I am fed up with UC Davis Chancellor Linda Katehi. The campus police wasn’t using brutality they were using pepper spray instead of weapons. Wondering if she was wearing the wrong eyeglasses?
  • I am fed up with cupcake cops. These kind of cops need keep their  noses out of our children’s birthday cupcakes or be arrest for harassing little children.
  • I am fed up with the liberal media. Those witch-hunters should look at themselves to burn at the stake for abuse.
  • I am fed up with Nancy Pelosi. The woman needs to get off Kool-aid and start praying to get her life in order.
  • I am fed up with listening and hearing liberal talk. My doctor told me to stop listening and reading liberal talk. He was afraid I would overdose on aspirin because it gave me a headache.
  • I am fed up with atheists.  You can’t tell these people ‘Happy Thanksgiving’, they get offended so you have them ‘Happy Turkey Day’.
  • I am fed up with the occupy movement. How dare they threaten to occupy Black Friday. They’re turning out to be Grinchs and Scrooges besides rioters.
  • I am fed up with these mayors in these ‘Occupy’ cities. Why are they still letting occupiers run ramped? Are these mayors waiting for a innocent person to get hurt by ‘Occupiers’?
  • I am fed up with Janeane Garofalo. She thinks she knows about racism but doesn’t. She needs to get off the Kool-aid.

Hallelujah Moments