And God would say to His people...
"There are giants in the land.
Giants in the land, and they think they will forever stand.
They think they will stand forever and continue to be strengthened,
The giants that are standing, standing in the land.
And just as in David’s day, just as with Goliath who thought he would stay and he would rule, and he would continue to stand in the land and torment the children of God, the children of Israel, the armies of God.
But just as Goliath fell – just as he fell, so shall the giants in your land fall. They will fall, they will fall.
And there is a CALL going forth right now throughout the land, throughout My body, says the Lord.
I am calling for the Giant Killers in the land.
I am calling for those who have a heart after Me,
A heart that is pure before Me, as David’s was.
A heart and a life that is pure.
I am searching, I am searching to and fro and I am looking for the Giant Killers.
Those who will go to the giants in My power, in purity, in humility, and in faith.
Who will look the giant in the face and say – 'this day I will have your head.
This day you are coming down. This Day, this Day!'
And the giants in the land will dread, they will dread,
They will dread these Giant Killers that I will raise up.
And just as in David’s day, many in the Church have backed away.
They have listened to the lies of the giant.
They have listened to his taunting, and to his lies, and they have backed away.
They have been afraid.
But just as David had been with Me
Just as David was not afraid, he was not afraid because he knew Me.
He knew Me. He walked with Me. He communed with Me.
And at that time in his life he had pure heart and he had clean hands.
He was broken before Me and humble before Me."
So in this day these are the ones that will rise up and face the giants and bring them down. For those who know their God – who know their God – shall be strong, and they will do exploits in these days, they will do exploits.
"So I am calling you.
I am calling you to humble yourself before Me.
I am calling you to be pure before Me.
To walk in purity.
Purity in heart.
Purity in your motive.
Purity in your life.
Humble yourself before Me.
For many have backed down, and many have backed away,
From the challenges and the giants of their day.
They have lost their fear of Me, and their knowledge of Me.
Therefore they fear the giants.
They fear and they tremble.
Many do not tremble at My word, but they tremble at the giants.
For they have not communed with Me, the God of ALL victory.
They have not communed with Me,
And they do not see that apart from Me, they can do nothing.
For I am the one who shall empower them.
I am the who shall strengthen them.
I am the one who will equip them.
But many, many, many in My Church are living and moving in their own strength.
It is not in Me that they are living and moving and having their being.
So they cannot walk in victory.
I am Jehovah Nissi, I am the Lord God Your Victory – your victory.
Come to Me and I will show you how to win every war.
Come to Me and I will cause you to rise up and soar.
Come to Me, and bow your knee, humble yourself before Me.
Purify your hearts.
Turn away from your idols.
Cast aside every weight.
Cast aside every sin.
Then watch Me take you in.
Into the land, into what I have promised you into all that I have spoken to you.
There is NO other way.
I have prepared the way for you. I have already made the way.
But you must come to Me
You must listen to Me, and you must do it MY way.
So prepare yourself.
For I am going to raise up Giant killers in the land.
My question to you is – will you be one of them?
These Giant Killers will walk in purity, in humility, and in faith.
Purity in heart, purity in motive, purity in life,
And humility evidenced through their obedience and faith.
Faith to look the giants in the face.
Faith in their God.
Faith to move mountains.
Faith to shake nations.
The just shall live by faith."
*This was copied and pasted from Cindy deVille’s website with her blessing as long no changes were added.