Tuesday, November 29, 2011

My List Of Articles I Read Today November 28, 2011


  1. Bill Clinton Praises Old Foe Newt Gingrich

  2. Obama's Canadian Blunder

  3. Rick Perry's 'Lazy' Ad Called 'Borderline Criminal'

  4. Rep. Maloney Lies about Fast and Furious

  5. OWS arrest total nearing 5000

  6. Anarchy in the U.S.A.

  7. Democratic Party Operatives Preparing To Roll Out “Draft Hillary” Campaign-

  8. “Draft Hillary” Part Two – Obama To Face New Hampshire Write-In Challenge-

  9. QR who- QR what-

  10. Vulnerable and Human, Kevin Durant is Doing the Happy Dance

  11. Political Fundamentalists—A Grave Threat to World Liberty

  12. That Lying Dog!

  13. Obama, the Provable Nothing

  14. If they find my body floating face down

  15. The Time of Unions has Come and Gone

  16. Democrat Racism

  17. Deadline Passes For Occupy Philly To Dismantle

  18. #OccupyLA Refuses To Leave Streets- ‘We Didn’t Come Here To Listen To F-cking Cops’

  19. -Live Stream- #OccupyLA Eviction

  20. Congressional land grabs for fun and profit

  21. Self Esteem vs Reality

  22. REPORT- Senate Moves To Allow Military To Arrest Americans Without Charge Or Trial


  24. $7,770,000,000,000

  25. George Will and Stolen Valor

  26. Guerena murder finally getting some press

  27. Zuccotti recovers nicely, thank you

  28. Finally, An Arab Spring Thing I Can Support

  29. Where there is smoke!

  30. Gunwalker scandal broadens--the FBI connection

  31. KNOWING THE VOICE OF THE LORD! by David Wilkerson [May 19, 1931 - April 27, 2011]

  32. Shipwrecked and Snakebitten

  33. For 2012, Be Wary of Obama’s Ties to Corrupt Project Vote

  34. BREAKING- Barney Frank to Retire After 2012

  35. Why is Homeland Security Funding Research for a Big Cat?

  36. There is more to life and civil society than economic purity

  37. National - Selling NZ down the river - do they have the mandate-

  38. Iran moves to expel British ambassador; legislators chant Death to England

  39. Spencer, McCarthy, Fawstin at Restoration Weekend 2011- What about moderate Muslims- 

  40. More Curious Connections Emerge in Case of Couple Fined $7,200 for ‘Wake Up America’ Sign

  41. Police Find Body Armor, Rocks, Projectiles and Machetes During #Occupy Portland Raid

  42. Outrage!… After Demanding Refund From City, Richmond Tea Party Gets Letter – “You’re being audited.”

  43. While prez tours country with tax dollars, Obama's 2012 campaign builds quiet momentum

  44. Newt- Give the death penalty to drug cartel leaders

  45. Televangelist Joel Osteen- Obama 'has reached out to us' [VIDEO]

  46. Sounds of Transformation [Monday, November 28, 2011]

  47. Good News for Newt -- Fat Presidents Make Good Presidents

  48. Will the New Hampshire Union-Leader Endorsement be a Game-Changer for Gingrich-

  49. BREAKING- Huge Explosion In IRAN's Nuke City

  50. 64 Years Ago The UN Created Israel-They Have Been Trying to Reverse Vote Ever Since

  51. Jumping the Shark

  52. Carney- Obama Wants To “Create Jobs” By Extending Unemployment Benefits…

  53. Occupy Boston Thug Arrested After Brandishing Knife And Threatening To Stab Man…

  54. Cornel West On Occupy Wall Street- Ultimate Fight For Entitlements Will Be In “The Streets”…

  55. Cornel West: Ultimate Fight For Entitlements Will Be In "The Streets"

  56. Harry Reid Proposes Bill That Could Stop States From Enforcing Immigration Laws…

  57. Lurita Doan - The Gimme Something Congress and the Public Service Failure

  58. Why Government Doesn't Work

  59. The ‘poor’ are the rich Jesus warned you about

  60. College is a waste of time and money. Drop out

  61. Europe traded 6 million Jews for 20 million Muslims

  62. Goodnight Europe, It’s Been Fun!

  63. Corrupting justice-

  64. Obama Calling For Resignation Of Attorney General

  65. Good Riddance, Subprime Barney Frank

  66. There is Hope! Lisa Converted to Our Side By Obama's Disaster and Rush's Show