Thursday, November 24, 2011

Prophecy: KEEP PRAYING – IT'S COMING!-Cindy deVille



"The Prayers of the saints are precious to Me, they are precious to Me
That is why I have extended My Grace and Mercy upon your land.
Their prayers have come up before Me and they are crying out for righteousness and for mercy.
I will not turn a deaf ear to them.
Tell them – to continue to pray and cry out to Me.
And not only will they see My hand of mercy,
but they will see Me move upon this land
I will awaken America once again,
So tell them – do not grow weary but keep coming to Me and I promise you, says the Lord
That you will reap.
A great harvest is coming to your land as I awaken and revive the souls of man.
You have wept with tears before Me,
And you will rejoice as you reap bringing in the sheaves."
