Friday, December 23, 2011

When is Eric Holder Going To Go?


I keep wondering when Eric Holder Is going to get his butt kicked out of the Department Of Justice.  I am not the only thinking that question. The author, Aaron Gee, that wrote this article wonders too.


Eric Holder, Fear and Intimidation

This past weekend, Attorney General Eric Holder attempted to intimidate his critics by accusing them of racism. Under the Attorney General's watch more than a thousand weapons have been walked across the border by the ATF and more than 300 people are dead as a direct result. Even Holder himself admits that the 'Fast and Furious' guns will be used in more crimes. Innocents on both sides of the border have more to fear.


The mixture of fear and intimidation has existed since Holder's first days in office. Who can forget his first major speech after confirmation? In that speech the Attorney General said "Though this nation has proudly thought of itself as an ethnic melting pot, in things racial we have always been and continue to be, in too many ways, essentially a nation of cowards". Shortly thereafter the AG dropped the voter intimidation case against a New Black Panthers Party member that stood outside a polling station hurling racial slurs and carrying a night stick.


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This article came from the American Thinker.