Monday, December 19, 2011

My List Of Articles I Read On December 18, 2011


  1. 'Dancing' champion Martinez to be a dad

  2. Hundreds dead in Philippines

  3. That's it- 'The war is over'

  4. The Days are Long but the Years Are Short

  5. The Magic of the Tim Tebow Saga

  6. ‘Michigan Angel’ makes people believe in Christmas again

  7. Please God

  8. Obama uses troop return as campaign propaganda

  9. Violent rioters and media goons

  10. Executive Orders

  11. Obama- A Wrecking Ball Swinging Against Civilization

  12. Obama's fabulous Hawaiian vacation will cost $4,135,038

  13. Syrian Freedom Seekers Have a Message for Obama

  14. Obama administration gave $21.8 million stimulus grant to build a biofuel refinery.

  15. Negative Opinion of AG Eric Holder Growing

  16. Witnesses testify in Bradley Manning WIKILEAKS case

  17. House GOP Revolts Over Senate Payroll Tax Bill

  18. The biter bit-

  19. The totalitarian style is unmistakable

  20. Will nobody rid us of this arrogant prick-

  21. Joris de Bres, get off the taxpayer tit and get a real job!

  22. The most toxic substance known to mankind

  23. I wish they hadn't done this, I really do

  24. Subversive Newspaper UK Guardian Going Down But Not Fast Enough

  25. Wukan- See a totalitarian thug government at work

  26. Pepsi’s Iraq Marketing: 9/11 Celebration

  27. UPDATE! 50 Occupy Wall Street Protesters Arrested For Trespassing On Church Property

  28. Slobbering over Hillary (and Bill, and Chelsea)

  29. The World Has Lost A Champion Of Freedom And Liberty: Vaclav Havel, RIP

  30. King David's last words. Let them be mine too

  31. Dallas Morning News- Is anyone really buying Holder’s excuses on Fast & Furious

  32. Sarah Palin Discusses GOP Field

  33. CBS Giving Barack Obama Cover-

  34. Muslims Drive out Christians from PA Territories

  35. Worse than Stoning- Hannah Montana the Filth Of World Says Crazy Muslim Person

  36. Burny Channels King Canute

  37. Islamic Religious Tolerance- Muslims Appoint Muslim To Run Catholic Convent School

  38. Iceland Becomes First European Country To Recognize “Palestine” As a State…

  39. Archbishop Desmond Tutu Asks NYC Church To Allows Occupy Wall Street To Set Up Camp On Its Property

  40. Occupy Starbucks-…

  41. Noted One-Percenter And Tax Cheat Willie Nelson Praises Occupy Wall Street…

  42. Audi Chief Calls Chevy Volt “A Car For Idiots”

  43. Meghan McRINO- Newt Gingrich Is “Obviously Sexist”…

  44. Indiana Lawmaker- Holder Absent on Primary Petition Fraud Case

  45. Hiding Israel’s record on gays behind the “pinkwashing” slogan

  46. LA Times coos over Occupy version of Christmas Carol