Sunday, December 18, 2011

My List Of Articles I Read On December 17, 2011


  1. A letter from Goebbels

  2. Walid Exposes Shia Imam Husham Al Husayni (Audio)

  3. Lowes and The “All American Muslim”

  4. GOP- Keystone oil will stay in tax bill



  7. Another Russian journalist shot to death

  8. Police dog named 'Tebow' sniffs out kilo of cocaine at airport

  9. Soldiers charge Tahrir Square

  10. Are America's Best Days Behind Us-

  11. We Need Not Repeat 1776

  12. Occupying  China

  13. Americans rejecting class warfare – Gallup

  14. Preparing for martial law

  15. Lies, Damned Lies & Enviro-Fraud

  16. Occupying Durban- The Greatest Sham on Earth

  17. The 12 Days of Durban (a Christmas Lament)

  18. Executive Orders

  19. Recovering the Spirit of Reagan

  20. Obama- A Wrecking Ball Swinging Against Civilization

  21. Confidence Booster! Rep Mike Honda (D)- ‘We Didn’t Know What The Hell Was Going On’

  22. Are Web gremlins shredding evidence against Obama-

  23. Congress Tells Holder to Go !

  24. Obama’s Got Competition- 20 Year Old Marine Asks First Lady To Marine Corps Ball,

  25. Killing Of Bin Laden Is Voted “Story Of The Year” By AP

  26. Russia Seizes Radioactive Metals From Tehran-Bound Passenger

  27. Ron Paul tells Jay Leno about Michele Bachmann

  28. David Brooks- Jeb Bush candidacy still a possibility

  29. Trump's letter to Obama- Grow a pair

  30. Democrats Cave on Keystone Pipeline-

  31. Things that make a man go…mmmmmmmmmmmmmm

  32. ‘Where is my visa and my house-

  33. No Job For Georgina- (Not one of Labour’s Nomenklatura)

  34. Helen Klark’s Airline- Sell It While Its Still Got Share Value

  35. Tindall’s Carrier- Trade with China and help them on their way to military supremacy

  36. Newt Gingrich’s “Zany” Proposals for the Courts

  37. New Rush Parody- Ron Paul

  38. Bombshell- Who Wrote the Controversial Ron Paul Newsletters-

  39. What a surprise - The Government does not  a very good husband make

  40. When did it all change from women being valued as mothers-

  41. 'When the Legend Becomes Fact, Print the Legend'

  42. Storm Kills At Least 400 in Philippines

  43. CAIR Official- “The Radical Right, Not Islam, Greatest Threat To The American Way”…

  44. Found- The Perfect Christmas Gift For Chris Matthews…

  45. Saudi Woman Tortured And Murdered — Cops Suspect Genie…

  46. Marine’s Life In Danger After Mooch Accepts His Offer To Be His Date To Marine Corps Ball…

  47. Philippines- Christian Man Beheaded By Islamist Rebels…

  48. Seattle Police Say Occupiers Threw Bricks, Road Flares, Bags of Paint, and Rebar at Officers During Port Protest

  49. Gov. Haley’s endorsement may not help Romney out that much

  50. #OccupyCLT

  51. Russia’s North Korean slaves

  52. A video guide to those evil Republicans

  53. Dan Parker Remains State Democrat Chairman

  54. Peggy Welch should denounce Monroe County Democrats

  55. Not to Nag But Obama’s Horse Flip Flop Leaves Media Uninterested

  56. It’s Crap Like This Libertarians…

  57. I Stand With Allen West

  58. Christopher Hitchens at His Best- Rare Video of Hitch Disemboweling the American Left

  59. The benefits of Sharia Law- Lawyer wants jinn to testify in court

  60. Conservative Bloggers - the Chopped Liver of the Right

  61. When spending cuts aren’t real and tax hikes don’t reduce the deficit

  62. The Visual Power of A Single Man

  63. 'Tebowing' Crackdown Leads to Protests

  64. Nancy Pelosi’s Circular Economics

  65. Aloha Big Spender !!

  66. DOJ Confirms Mexican Drug Cartels Operating Inside U.S