I was surfing around the web today and I saw a few predictions for 2012 on couple of sites. None of them predicted something I would of chuckled at. On most of them I found myself shaking my head gloomily especially when one said Mitt Romney would be elected president. (Yeah, I also moaned miserably on that one too.)
I would like to see some predictions with some hope for a better future so here is what I am going to predict for 2012. Please, remember this is done in fun. I am not a prophetess and don’t claim to be.
The NAACP’s shenanigans will backfire on them in 2012. Not to mention, their race card will be taken away because they are overdrawn and haven’t paid their card bill for a couple months.
As for CAIR, I won’t mention all the terrible things I see happening to them. I will, however, mention their "’Poor is me’ card and race card will be taken away like the NAACP’s, they became overdrawn and late on their card payments.
Attorney General Eric Holder will be impeached and prosecuted for his dealings in Operation Fast and Furious. By the way, his race card is stolen by someone in his Department Of Justice. It wasn’t revealed to me who it was.
Occupy Wall Street will burn down the Gray Lady because they didn’t like something that Paul Krugman wrote. Also the word “slander” and being part of the 1%comes to my mind for their other reasons.
The citizens of the U.S. vote to have the Senate and the House wear NASCAR suits with logos of what companies who own their Senators and Congressperson on it. It was a mistake some mystery person put on every ballot. Needless to say, every voter was coming out of the polls laughing in my vision.
Obama’s re-election campaign turns into a disaster. 2012 will be disaster year for Obama. Obama will become afraid to touch anything because it will become one mess up after another not even his race card will work. It will be like he is cursed.
The Washington Post will learn Amnesty International are aliens from outer space and wanting to take over the world. Plus this thing they have against George W. Bush it turns out they just wanted him for supper, literally.
Mitt Romney will not become the runner against Obama for president. Romney tried hard but the people won. No, unfortunately, I didn’t see who got the chance to run against Obama.
I won’t tell you what happened to Ron Paul but I will let you know it isn’t pretty when the media turns into sharks.
The Secretary Of Homeland Security will be prosecuted for her role in Operation Fast and Furious. There will be pictures of her being taken in handcuffs a hollering and a screaming. I can tell you the Secretary Of Homeland Security ain’t no lady from my vision.