Sunday, January 1, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On December 31, 2011


  1. Obama's Foreign Policy

  2. Warning- Being politically correct can be hazardous to your health

  3. New Year's Resolution

  4. Occupy Santa Fe. Seriously-

  5. Michelle Obama wishes $3 donors a lower case “happy new year”

  6. PAPER- Loss of faith in politicians, democracy could make '12 most frightening year in living me

  7. Christie- 'After Three Years Of Obama, We Are Hopeless And Changeless'

  8. Should ‘Anonymous’ Hacking Be A Capital Offense-

  9. That elephant again-

  10. This is what defeat looks like-

  11. Happy New Year 2012

  12. Melissa Johnson and Easy Money

  13. Dying Detroit, thriving Singapore- two cities from which we can learn so much

  14. #Occupy the Jail Cell… 4 Occupy Protesters Arrested for Torching US Flags

  15. Change- Newt Yanks Climate Change Chapter From New Book


  17. Mitt McRomney- Pro-Islamic, Leftist, Ass-Kissing Stooge Says “Islam- Peace-Loving “

  18. Leftists Have DESTROYED England

  19. Suckas Of The Year- Global Warmers

  20. Figures. Magic Man CHRIS DODD Leads Movie Industry to Worst Ticket Sales in 16 Year

  21. Figures. #Occupy Loons Break Rules with Plastic Float for Rose Parade

  22. Steve King- I might have to endorse someone just to try to stop Ron Paul

  23. Virginia AG Cuccinelli Intervenes in Presidential Primary Dispute

  24. Occupiers Get Tossed From Des Moines Coffee Shop

  25. The Candidate We Want But Can’t Have

  26. Silly Obama Rabbit, Tricks Are for Islamists

  27. Canucks Rescue Bambi On Ice

  28. George Carlin Wasn’t Funny- The Top Five Most Overrated Comedians

  29. Heather Mallick Advises Readers To Be More Tolerant In 2012...Claims Harper Wants To Kill The Sick & Elderly

  30. Please Bring Back Dudley Do-Right

  31. Mark Steyn- Puncture the cocoon of denial

  32. Pelosi- “Onward To Victory” Democratic Soldiers!…

  33. Will Obama steal the 2012 election-

  34. Pakistani Taliban Declare School Girls Playing Sports Un-Islamic, Commence Bombing Campaign…

  35. Occupy Charlotte Defends Burning American Flags, “Did It To Display Utter Contempt For American Greed”

  36. Saudi Arabia’s Grand Mufti- Women Selling “Female Accessories” Is a Crime…

  37. Ron Paul Says He Can “Connect” With Occupy Wall Street…

  38. Gross- U.S. Transfers $40 Million In Aid To Palestinians…

  39. Tingles- Liberals Are Not Haters…

  40. FAIL: Obama’s National Security “Not Top 10” of 2011

  41. Obama- “Hey, Please Give Me $3 Today”…

  42. Occupy Wall Street Allocates $100,000 for Bail Money

  43. Weekly Address- “Happy New Year,” taped in advance, before he bolted to Hawaii

  44. Ron Paul Circus Turns Three Ring- Sheila Jackson Lee Demands He Apologize for Racist Statements

  45. Israeli Group Threatens Twitter With Lawsuit Over Terrorist Accounts

  46. #OccupyCharlotte

  47. Weekend Link Love-  Tony Robbins Edition

  48. 2012 will bring with it the Chance of a Lifetime

  49. For New Years 2012, Remember To Think About Climate Change Hoax

  50. Warmists Jump In Freezing Water To Save Us From Global Warming

  51. So Long, Goodbye, Good Riddance!

  52. Is It 2013 Yet-

  53. Saturday Afternoon – New Year’s Eve – No Time For Laundry

  54. Weasel Time

  55. Sabotage 2012

  56. #Occupy Albany Goons Threaten Police Officer & His Family

  57. Ten year boom in government expansion-!-!

  58. Judicial Watch’s ‘Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians’ for 2011- Executive Edition

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