Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Godzilla Occupies Washington DC Then The States


I was thinking about Godzilla this evening. I was thinking how much I liked Godzilla even though some of the movies were sorta corny.  I started to think of a scene from the original Godzilla movie, where he went on a rampage of destroying Tokyo.  As the scene went through my mind, I started to think “Godzilla is occupying Tokyo”.


My mind dropped the rampaging Tokyo scene and switched to some stupid scientists bringing a heavy tranquilized Godzilla to (gasp) Washington DC. These stupid scientist didn’t use the common sense the good Lord gave them and reinforce the tranquilizer dose on Godzilla before they left the ship. The next thing, my mind is seeing one eye of Godzilla slowly opening then his next eye is becoming wide open. This huge dinosaur is starting to move and rocking the boat literally. 


Now, I got the normal scene of sailors shooting at Godzilla and some abandoning ship.  Godzilla stomping on sailors as he is rambling off the ship. This gigantic dinosaur is headed to our country’s capital.


The scene switches to our president as military personal, the secretaries, and their informing Obama of catastrophe Godzilla is causing. The military personal are asking Obama to send our soldiers to engage Godzilla, in other words kill the beast. Obama sternly shakes his head no then states Godzilla is an endangered species and deserves to live.


We have a giant creature on the rampage. Killing people! Destroying cars! Tearing down telephone lines! Sending people running in terror! Godzilla is even trampling on Democrats’ precious occupiers. And Obama says to do nothing. I decided it was time to turn my mind off and concentrate on something else but my mind won’t. My imagination wasn’t going to let me. There wouldn’t  be a happy ending. I knew it.


It is sad when you think about it. We could have a Godzilla come through our country and Obama wouldn’t lift a finger to help his fellow Americans, the people he swore to protect. He would want to please his PETA people, look what he did on the Keystone Pipeline.


Of course, Obama wouldn’t be above using Godzilla as an excuse to ask the House and Senate for money. We need tranquilizers, large nets to capture the gaint T-Rex.  Land where Godzilla could roam, be happy on. Obama would say. If Obama got the money, would it go to capturing Godzilla. It would be like the stimulus money for jobs. It would go to different places, not to what it was intended for.


Godzilla would still be on a path of destruction, heading to  Virginia.  Virginia tries to do something about Godzilla. Of course, we all know that would go over like a lead balloon with Obama. Obama would sue Virginia for trying to harm an endangered species and Godzilla would still be causing chaos. Think about it, how many states would Godzilla go through before anything is done about him.


Do you think the House and Senate would impeach Obama so something could get done about Godzilla? Has either house done anything to really impeach Eric Holder or just pretending they are? They haven’t really done anything about inside trading thing. No one is being kick out for that.


Do you think our military would go against Obama to do something about Godzilla? Only if we got a leader in the military with some guts but right now it doesn’t look like it.


Who knows what the Secret Service is trying to do?


Our FBI, ATF, etc have become corrupt. Their to busy trying to save their butts to even care.


Who is going to stand against Obama so the people to get something about Godzilla? Well, we know the MSM isn’t going to even sound an alarm because all we are getting is how great Obama is for not destroying this lovely reptile. 


The Democrats in office are crying “How racist the American people are for going against Obama in his decision to save Godzilla?” This monster is out here killing people and we’re racist for wanting something done about a run-amok monster. Some are even saying it is Bush’s fault for Godzilla’s rampage. I don’t know where they got that one from. It started on Obama’s watch. Some are being really hateful with their remarks.


The Republicans are doing enough to appease the American people by blocking stupid bills on endanger species.  The Republicans aren’t doing enough to get rid of Godzilla. Godzilla still creating chaos.


The American people are crying out for help against Godzilla and none of our leaders (except a few are trying) are coming to their aid.  Think how pathetic this is. The American people are going to have to slay Godzilla on their own. This is how they are thinking now.  The American people are going to have to vote the Democrats and Republican elites out of office and get someone in that will take care of Godzilla for them before he destroys the rest of the US.


Well, maybe this will have a happy ending after all. We will have to wait and see.


NOTE: I know this is sort of corny but it gets the message out.