Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Curious Approach of Newt Gingrich


The Curious Approach of Newt Gingrich by Mark over at Mark America


Few things have been clearer than what this past week has made apparent: The GOP establishment doesn’t want to win an honest fight, and those who comprise it don’t believe we should have any say whatsoever. Whether you’re a staunch conservative, or a Tea Party patriot, there can be no way to miss the point demonstrated by a week-long attack-fest aimed at Newt Gingrich. We’re not part of their party, and they will choose the nominee, and if we don’t like it, we can just shut up and go away. Well, we’re not going away, and we won’t be shut up, and we’re going to call them on their twisted, half-truth ridden distortions in media, and we’re going to turn off their networks, and avoid their favorite in-the-tank websites, and we’re going to forge ahead without them if necessary. The simple truth is that the GOP establishment needs our support much more than we need theirs, and with the direction this is going, I can’t see a single reason to support them or their chosen candidate. Meanwhile, something else is brewing, and I take note, because watching Gingrich speak, I realized there was a change, and it manifested Saturday night. 


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