Wednesday, January 25, 2012

TSA’s Endorsement Of Rand Paul For President In 2016


TSA’s Endorsement of Rand Paul for President in 2016 by Bojidar Marinov over at Godfather Politics

This morning, Senator Rand Paul was detained by the TSA thugs at the Nashville airport because he refused to allow them to do an invasive pat down search. Senator Paul went through the scanner as required, but the thugs declared that “something was wrong with the scanner” and therefore he had to go through the pat down. Senator Paul refused. For this he was detained, and later turned back.


We all know the true reason “there was something wrong with the scanner.” Rand Paul is one of the only two members of Congress and the Senate who are indefatigable opponents of TSA and the unconstitutional law its existence is based on: The Patriot Act. The other one is his father, Ron Paul. Rand Paul did what every American who values their liberty should do: Refuse to allow an unconstitutional agency to deprive us of our constitutional liberties under the pretext of keeping us safe. We are not kept safe by the TSA. TSA hasn’t done a single thing to keep us safe. Its purpose is to keep us humiliated; and to provide government jobs for perverts. It has to go. And that’s what Rand Paul and Ron Paul are calling for. And that’s why the TSA’s actions today are simply a revenge on Senator Rand Paul for his firm stance against tyranny.


Read more: TSA’s Endorsement of Rand Paul for President in 2016