Friday, January 27, 2012

Rule Number One


Rule Number One by William R. Mann over at Canada Free Press


I thought to share with readers a humorous saying, backed up by a story in fact. A friend sent me this picture of a fox amid a group of hounds acting like it belongs there. The caption reads:


When you are in deep sh*t,

Look straight ahead,

Keep your mouth shut & say nothing.”

This is a true and worthy saying, and I can back that up.


During my Berlin Service days [more than 25 years ago during the “bad old days” of the Cold War], I had a professional friendship with a French Officer, Major “X.” He was a brave and hardened man after serving many years in a French Foreign Legion Regiment in Africa. Some said he was too full of hubris, but I had come to admire his mischievous ways and sense of humor. He always got results, and he was totally professional when it counted. He delighted in diminishing the notion [held by many in those days] that our Russian Soviet adversaries were ten feet tall. One day, we and our British and French Allies were covering an annual event.


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