Barack Obama’s Tax the Rich Lie
Wanna set the liberal mindset RIGHT? Start with this concise explanation of how Barack Obama’s class warfare tax the rich political posturing is nothing more than an outright lie intended to manipulate the votes of ignorant Americans.
President Barack Obama, who himself has never held a private sector job during his adult life, has repeated over and over again that wealthy Americans need to “pay their fair share”. The method to this government imposed fairness is of course, higher taxes. The classification of wealthy by Mr. Obama, based upon previous targets set by his own administration, are individuals and/or business earning approximately $200,000 per year. It’s these entities, according to the current president, who have not been paying enough to the government.
As the 2012 election cycle is now underway, it is clear it will be this method of dividing America between the so-called haves and the have nots that is to be the foundation of Barack Obama’s hopes for another four years as the Class Warfare President of America. And it is this theme that will be repeated over and over again by his liberal supporters, and, more worrisome, by the many voters who simply don’t pay attention until it is very nearly time to vote. The mainstream media is already attempting to bury the collective subconscious of these millions of voters with the “fair share” message.