Thursday, January 26, 2012

We Need An Exorcist In Washington DC


I know some of you have seen “The Exorcist”,  the movie with Linda Blair. You will probably remember the scenes of the Priest throwing holy water on the demon possessed girl. The Priest is also saying prayers and reading scriptures from the Bible over the poor girl.


You will remember then how the demon possessed girl acted to the exorcism. She spit out green pea soup on the Priest, call the Priest names a child shouldn’t be saying, telling lies about the Priest, trying to show the priest they (demons) were in control even when they weren’t. The demons inside the child were fighting to stay inside her.


Now, think about how the Democrats have been acting recently. They been spitting out lies, calling non-racist racist, doing criminal things, threaten bills to keep the American people in their place and suing States. Their doing all this to stay in power DC like demons fighting to stay in a human body when being exorcised.


We can’t forget the Republican elite in DC. Some of them been like demons, sneaking behind the people’s backs voting on bills with Democrats that can put American citizens in detainment for who knows how long. Calling American people names that have minds of own and not easily manipulated by their shenanigans. Some of them have been become corrupt, making millions on our dime.


We need to get more Exorcist in DC to get rid of these demons in our government.