This is A Recommend Article: Mr. Beck, If I May-
Glenn, you have perhaps no bigger fan of your philosophy, nor a more eager consumer of your many books, broadcasts and events, than me. One of the more memorable events in my life was attending your Restoring Honor rally in Washington, D.C., and sharing breakfast with you, several hundred supporters and Gov. Sarah Palin, in support of the Special Operations Warrior Fund. Never will I forget hearing you announce, “Ladies and gentleman, security just notified me that we should all go soon, because the crowd is already filled beyond the reflecting pool.” Thank you for the greatness of your vision and the amazing courage of your convictions.
The emotional turmoil and political strife swirling throughout our beloved country only grows in intensity by the day. The significance of 2012’s monumental election is creating an ever growing wedge between my political reasoning and yours. Our political divergence is something I - and my instincts tell me - millions of your God fearing, patriotic devotees are struggling with as well. Given this assumption, my personal request is simply this: Seek first to understand. Disagree with vigor, but please respect the intelligence, reasoning and conclusions of millions that disagree with you, without caustic sarcasm, demeaning ridicule or elitist derision. The spirit you exemplified on stage during your Restoring Honor rally is not being modeled in the heat of this debate.
Possessing only modest personal accomplishments in relation to yours, and noting my 2012 political calculus has steered me to the exact same destination reached by Gov. Sarah Palin, Gov. Rick Perry and the citizens of South Carolina, please permit me to subject my ex-USAF instructor pilot’s “situational analysis” for your learned examination and potentially biting critique.
Washington, D.C., is largely a cesspool of deceit, corruption and soulless operatives. Legacy media outlets, staffed with their pseudo cult-hero, print and television personalities, are further detached from the spirit of our Founding Fathers and the values of every day citizens than Reverend Jeremiah Wright is from the teachings of Jesus Christ. The perverted nexus of crony capitalism, where Wall Street long ago fused their interests with Washington’s corrupted politicians, have selfishly driven our ship of state to a point that we may never recover. Perhaps no one person has been more instrumental in shining the national spotlight on our nation’s dire situation than you. For this fact alone, you will forever have my admiration.
So, here we stand, a loosely organized, rag tag, Tea Party militia, facing Gettysburg-battle odds, engaging godless media empires, two fully compromised political establishments with unlimited funding, and a grossly mis-educated community of voters organized by charismatic charlatans. Barack Obama has engineered a Gordian Knot of Cloward and Piven-inspired laws, subsidies and extra-constitutional regulations designed to “fundamentally transform” our western values, economic model, heath care system, and Judeo-Christian priorities in favor of the social justice dreams of his Kenyan father.