ANN COULTER- Re-elect Obama- Vote Newt!
DOJ Working with ACORN, Massive Voter Registration Fraud
AFL-CIO Wants Obama To Push For $4 Trillion In New Stimulus Spending…
National Park Service Director Admits They Haven’t Enforced Camping Ban On Occupy DC Because They Fear Violence From Protesters
Monica Crowley- “Alinsky Dedicated His Book to Lucifer… And Obama Taught Alinsky” (Video)
EXCLUSIVE–Iranian Freedom Fighter- ‘Ron Paul’s Foreign Policy Toward the Islamic Republic is Wrong
Obama and Romney- Nearly Identical on Global Warming and Coal Powered Plants-
Blackmail Of The Day
Companies for Conservatives to boycott
Obama’s State of the Union speech- Confrontation wrapped in Kumbaya
Republicans bracing for partisan attacks in Obama's State of the Union speech
Rubio Neutral or ‘Stealth’ Romney-
GOP response- State of the nation is 'grave'
Newt Gingrich the Jacksonian
We Know How You Feel
Rush is Right about Newt
TEA Party Express reacts to President’s SOTU Address
Inhofe Comments on State of the Union Address
Obama putting politics first in SOTU
Camp Ugly
Newt to Nancy- 'Put up or shut up -- bring it on'
DETAILS- Daniels Blasts 'Extremism' in Response
The food stamp President who bailed out GM & Chrysler says in SOTU, “It’s time to apply the same rules…”
Obama's recycled SOTU speech
The TownHall List of 15 Questions the Media Would Ask a Republican Barack Obama
Scary- Tokyo faces 70% probability of massive earthquake in next four years
Poll- 51% of likely voters want Keystone oil pipeline built
Myth of a ‘Recovery’- What the Numbers Really Say
Author- Romney Cleared Abortion Stance with Reagan Pollster, Church Before Challenging Kennedy in ‘94
VICTORY- Breitbart Editor’s Battle Against Insider Trading Forces President’s Hand
WTF Of The Day
Boneheads Of The Day
The Power At Play Within Michelle Obama’s Box…
Barack Obama Steals From Barack Obama Who Stole From Barack Obama… (Video)
Leftist scumbag named ‘Australian of the Year’
Farida Fozdar, a message for you-
Man With Gun Detained Near George W. Bush’s Home
Obama Administration Slams GOP for Forcing Keystone Approval
What Obama Didn’t Tell You in His SOTU Address… Barack Obama’s Many Broken Promises
Red Tails- This is why they make movies
SOTU- Obama’s last chance to change tone
You Cannot Pass your Mantle to your Children or Children's Children. Only God can do that
Top Romney advisers lobbied for Freddie Mac
Rep. Tim Scott- Dems should look inward on 'racist' charges [VIDEO]
Cain- 'People are waking up to the dirty side of politics' [VIDEO]
Romney’s Real Intentions For Obama-Care?
Immigration Minister Jason Kenney refused comment
Moderate Muslim Nation Of Indonesia Update- Muslims Attack Catholic Schools
Dem Rep. Jan Schakowsky Says Twenty Thousand Jobs Created By Keystone Pipeline “Not That Many”…
Marco Rubio- “I Have Never Seen A President Pit Americans Against Each Other Like This One Does”
Pathetic White House Propaganda Photo Of The Day…
Mooch Wears $2,400 Dress To Barack’s Class Warfare State of The Union Address…
Obama Campaign Manager Jim Messina- Republican Nominee Will Have To “Adopt Extreme Tea Party Age
Pelosi Backtracks On Claim She “Knows Something” About Gingrich…
The official #SOTU drinking game scorecard – PLUS- schedule of events
Obama plagiarizes himself-
Live Blogging The State of the Union
Unto the Lord! [Wednesday, January 25, 2012]
I'm Hopeful that the NEXT SOTU Address will sound like this
Obama's Green Robber Barons
This IS the REAL truth
Obama’s One Good Idea- Ban Congressional Insider Trading
Obama SOTU 2012- An America Built To Last Like A Chevy Volt
My Nickel’s Worth On The SOTU
The Obama Show
SOTU – Obama Fail!
Daily Read – January 25
Ezra Levant Barack Obama- Buy Dictator’s Thug Oil Rather Than Canada’s – Keystone Xl Explained
Mitch Daniels- GOP Response to State of the Union Address Transcript
Black Man Disses Obama
Where are the Courageous Fathers-
Big Ben Is Leaning
Drudge, Crazy Nancy & Newt (Updated)
BREAKING- Geithner Gone
Geithner 'pretty confident' he'll be gone as Treasury
Response to Daniels’ Response
Newt Gingrich- Obama’s View of Fairness is “All of us on Food Stamps” (Video)
Pelosi’s Office Says She Doesn’t Have Dirt on Newt After All …(Pelosi Is Running Mouth Again)
Paula Deen- Bringing GayPatriot Readers Together
Obama- leading from behind on reform