Call to Action- Conservatives, Tea Party Must Make Stand in Florida
Who is Saul Alinsky and Why is Newt Saying Nasty Things About Him-
Joseph Koenig- GOP’s Problems Much Deeper Than Newt Vs. Mitt
Scarborough- Newt Gingrich will survive beyond Florida loss
Paul Weyrich Warns Conservatives on Romney and Endorses Gingrich From the Grave
Romney Staffer- It’s Not About Winning Anymore, It’s About Destroying Newt Gingrich
Bottom Up, Top Down
Relatives Praise Fogel Family Killers
Steyn on the real State of the Union
Tea Party Express Touring Florida
Georgia Ballot Challenge: Obama Walks On By
America’s Constitutionalist Resistance Battles On
Now is the Time!
Rev. Wildmon: Palin Is Right, Newt Being 'Crucified'
Nanny State Alert- Hawaii considering legislation to require Internet providers to keep track of every Web site heir customers visit
Twitter Sellout- Twitter Planning to Allow Countries to Censor Tweets
New #Occupy Oakland Violence- Police Injured, 100 Arrested as Left’s ‘Mostly Peaceful’ Movement Returns
‘Forget global warming – it’s Cycle 25 we need to worry about
FFS! Academic clown alert. Pass me a pitchfork
The left bares its rancid fangs…
Spinning failure-
‘How I woke up to the untruths of Barack Obama’
St Thomas and First Cause
Apologies, and thanks for your concern
Sarah Palin- “In a Debate Newt Gingrich Would Clobber Barack Obama” (Video)
Herman Cain Enthusiastically Endorses Newt For President of the United States (Video)
Giuliani Praises Newt
Palin- 'Vote for Newt, annoy a liberal' [VIDEO]
Abortion questions arise about Obama's 9th Circuit nominee
Breaking News- Herman Cain To Endorse Newt Gingrich for President
Remember When Bev Perdue Wanted to Suspend Elections-
Allen West to Lefties- “Get your leftism the hell out of America!”
Sarah Palin- “Annoy a Liberal, Vote Newt!”
Jew Votes
Bishop accused of incitement to hatred in homily
From France To Canada With Love
Blame it on Cain! Cain Endorses Gingrich
Saudi Arabia’s Grand Mufti Warns Muslims Not To Use Twitter, Says It’s Full of Lies…
Milestone- Number of Occupiers Arrested Breaks Through 6K Barrier…
Explosive volcano may lurk beneath Death Valley
Across America- Mount Kilauea puts on a show
Increasing Your Measure of Anointing [Sunday, January 29, 2012]
Ephesians 1-7-12
Daily Read – January 29
Mitt Romney V the Constitution, PT I
Mitt Romney V The Constitution (Part 2)
Endangered Species
Necessity Is The Mother Of Invention
Politics Really Sucks
New York Times Fails to Mention Gingrich Was Cleared Of Ethics Charges
Santorum daughter admitted to hospital
Mayor Bloomberg- No NYC parade for Iraq War vets
Sunday Funnies
Allen West to Democrats: Get your leftism the hell out of America!
LOL! More than a quarter of Obama’s State of the Union TV viewers shut it off after the first five minutes
Conservative Denial, Apathy, and Crocodile Food
Bill Maher thinks Obama deserves a little respect because he is President; Compared Bush to a child molester
Newt’s appeal & the state of the Republican race
Barack Obama’s Tax the Rich Lie
Why Mitt Romney’s Electability is Not Inevitable
Just Released DOJ Docs Prove Holder Lied To Congress
THOUSANDS Turn Out to See Newt at the Villages in Florida
Prayers For Bella
President 2012- Fred Thompson Says Romney Has Matt Drudge in His Back Pocket
Tippecanoe And Grandkids, Too!
'It's either the Millennium Falcon or a gateway to hell': Shipwreck hunters find mysterious object at bottom of Baltic Sea
Foreign Press Calls Out Obama- Barack Obama is Trying to Make The US a More Socialist State
Bringing the Next Generation Along
Obama- The Man Without a Plan reprise
Tea party v. establishment in 2012 race- A battle for the GOP soul-